Howdy Zoe and Dave and others,
On the Exhibits:
Exhibit 2 -- 2 of 2 -- "The Forest Service will also work with the Rainbow to alleviate parking and traffic congestion along Forest Road 3173" -- No mention of roadblocks!
Exhibit 4 -- 5 of 10 --
"4. Patrol Area.." -- Even areas we consider "sacred" are to be patrolled...FS acknowledges we feel certain areas are sacred" and proceeds by stepping on our practice of religion... the entire Gathering Site is Sacred, to those of Us who Gather! Gathering is one of Our Sites/Days (like a Church/Synagogue and Sunday or Saturday is to other religious practices/way of life), of spiritual/religious practice. it is entitled to Constitutional protection.
"5. road checkpoints... in accordance with state and federal law" -- However, even Pancho in his letter thought they were breaking the law and in violation of State law -- see Exhibit 20...
Exhibit 4 -- 7 of 10 -- "Checkpoints will be used..." -- Who gave this order, exactly... the I.C.?..Agent Ball?
Exhibit 7 -- : of 1 --
"2.b. Any person obtaining substance pursuant to a valid prescription or order, from a practitioner acting in the course of his/her professional practice." -- Under this order, it seems to me, 36 CFR 261.50e ...and 36 CFR 261.58t) seems to recognize medical prescription/order of cannabis, for medical use etc. -- federally (right?) -- Also, it seems to read "practitioner" in general -- any Practitioner -- religious, medical, healing arts, professional practice, could issue a prescription/order.
(see also: Attorney Don Wirtshafter, Ohio Rainbow Family, who is very knowledgeable in Hemp cases etc) -- ...Again, Forest Service officers mis-interpret their own right of authority, and exceed/neglect their given authority... causing disruptive incidents, in the Gathering, between Police authority and People in legal possession of hemp products being harassed.
Philosophy). Within Our Culture/Way of life, such personal practices of use of marijuana or being nude, are individual decisions but are recognized as religious practice within our culture. So then, doesn't the above cited regulation allow me to use this sacrament/medicine within the National Forests? And/or even "order" this for myself and others in accord with the Creed of a (recognized) religious/spiritual ministry..of of Cultural Nature. And/or, in particular, within an area in the Forest set aside "legally" for our practice of Gathering (albeit by the illegal permit process with Paul) -- the government did legalize the Gathering in the minds of the law enforcement (see Pancho Smith's letter and Billy Ball's letter) ...They "legalized" the right of Mr. Lincoln (etc) to peaceably assemble for purpose of expression... -- per 36 CFR 251 -- so they had no legal right to set up a police state on the the threshold of the peaceable assembly, i.e. church, let alone to harass people for the nature of their practice etc (...see my paperwork; and Billy Ball's letter and Pancho Smith's letter)
training... then does that Officer have an obligation to respect/honor/protect this Constitutionally guaranteed activity?? ...or, conversely, does that officer have any "right" to violate a recognizable Peaceable Assembly for purposes of expression, People practicing their Freedom of expression???? -- "expression," by which we mean to include meaningful actions such as being nude and/or using cannabis (in a spiritual way and/or healing or medicinal way), and/or including any expressive peaceable practice.
Exhibit 8 -- 1 of 3 -- ref. gen order 66-04-354 -- This order was in effect for only 2 days, and based on "alcohol. "
Exhibit 9 -- under 370 -- states even "intoxicated people would have the opportunity to drive away, with a designated driver"...
Exhibit 11 -- 1 of 5 -- A.2. "cooperator agrees to make a written report" -- Are there copies of these daily reports by Sheriff's dept.??
Exhibit 11 -- 2 of 5 -- #7. a #8. (mentions statements, for we have those??)
Exhibit 11 -- 2 of 5 -- #11. (mentions communications -- do we have notes of logs??)
Exhibit 13 -- 2 of 3 -- James JEWEL -- Who is he, and is he some poor, manipulated person who the feds consider as a "source", an "informant" for the govt... a contact, forced into it by threat of law -- what was the resolution of his case...has he been contacted for a statement as to what was really said..??
Exhibit 15 -- 1 of 1 -- "officers may draw or display only when..." -- This could apply to showing their guns openly in the gathering...
Exhibit 16 -- Lyn Carpenter officially objects to roadblocks... (written reply? Other Permit? Randy Moore's deposition on the entire matter! contact with lincoln...original draft, signing of authorization, written contact with State Police, etc. -- his signature is on these documents..)
they approached the Council, and presented a Permit, to be signed by Council, without informing Mr. Lincoln they were changing "legal rights for use" from Mr. Lincoln to Rainbow Council... I spoke at Council, and asked the question:"
Exhibit 17 -- 1 of 2 -- Kim Thorsen indicates concern over Constitutionality of checkpoints... Ellen Hornstein's reply? ..Only in conversation or did she write this down?
Exhibit 18 -- 1 of 6 -- see: "June 12, 1430, Letter to adjacent landowners..." -- Do we have copy?