**** Also, is it possible that written notes or taped recordings exist of the mr.lincoln's "permit" process -- by Thurman, Harp, etc .. in Milwaukee??? -- according to Paul there was a conference call with the Missouri end-(Moore?) was this recorded? ...[also see Comments.]
Exhibit 20 -- Pancho's statements about his doubts about the legality of the roadblocks and whether they were even set up properly, questions targeting a specific group (constitutionality)-- there is good chance both state and federal procedures were violated, as well as the unconstitutionality of the action including violations of Rights to Peaceable assembly for purposes of expression without undue harassment.
Exhibit 22 -- 1 of 2 -- "Type of Operation" indicated is "criminal interdiction" -- Does this refer to the roadblock at the front gate? another location? either way.. what justification for this is provided? -- This would seem to contradict other claims that the stops were routine DUI checks, speed checks, etc...
Note: Jack Ward Thomas is now at University of Montana...in case you want a desposition or something... Be happy to do what is necessary.
Let there be no doubt, what we are working to achieve is cultural freedom of expression and being - One of our purposes is to End Cultural Slavery -- Give Us Liberty and Due Process!
Each year, beginning in the 1960's, (also"ancient times") there have been peaceable assemblies for purposes of expression, by "peace - hippie" people at various festival times. In various places like Haight-Ashbury, Golden Gate Park, various other parks and lands, public and private -- woodstock, other
private places: Oregon Country Faires, Barter Faires, Rainbow Valley, rock and roll festivals -- and on National Forest, Bureau of Land management, and other Public Lands.. Lafayette Peace park, Proposition One people etc.. Public Lands held in trust for the People of the United States of America, as Citizens and respected visitors, to have for their recreational and other multiple uses, -- including the Right to Peaceably Assemble for Purposes of Expression.
Even before 36 cfr 251, 261, our peaceable assemblies were opposed, blockaded, harassed -- first there was a camping permit violation against our gatherings (1972-1984)... Then in 1978, F.S. declared Gathering a "legitimate use" (1978, Dennis Fisher, District Ranger, Oregon)... Then in 1984 the Forest Service created 36 cfr 251, 261 (1954) -- which declared there is a Right to Peaceable Assembly and Free Speech on National Forest lands -- but still sought to treat gatherings as a multiple use, with the status of a privilege, a(recreational use (permitted/controlled by them), rather than a Constitutionally protected use (entitled to autonomy/priority..). When 36 cfr 251,261 was formatted (1984), F.S.even adopted our own language, from our previous papers and defined exactly this newly recognized right... "Peaceable for Purposes of Expression".. interesting., they recognized the Right in !984... and still they violate Our
The current regulations recognize the right to Peaceable Assembly and Freedom of Expression, "permission" is required with more than 75 people... in 1984, it used to require a permit for more than 9/10 people, more than 25, etc, in various years. But this is not what the Constitution says... People,
any group of people and/or any number of individuals ...number unspecified... either 9 or more, or 200 or more... should have the Right to Peaceable Assembly for purposes of Expression.
Gatherings of the Rainbow People are Private Events, invitation only, held on Public Land, open to the public -- All people, individuals or groups, are invited to come and be partof the Expression...to have a Voice in Our Councils and/or a
presence at the Gathering... so long as they do so in Peace,
with respect....
Rainbow people's Gatherings are a "Soapbox" with strong
"sides"...i.e. Invitation and Howdy Folks, Rap 107, etc, our
Council and customs and visions ...see Rainbow Oracle (1971):
Gates of New Jerusalem, Mandala City for All People... these
"sides of the Soapbox" show people where we stand.... and where
we invite then to stand to,-gather with us... in Peace, all ways
free, in Peaceable assembly, discourage drugs and alcohol,
please no weapons, etc....
1. The specific invitation outlines the nature of the
Soapbox... which includes openness to all people, to come to
this form of Soapbox -- A gathering in its entirety is a Form
of (protected?) Speech... an Expression in itself, for which
there is no alternative means of expression ...so identified
even in 36 cfr 251,261.
2. A private event, held on public lands, open to the
public -- i.e. only those individuals/groups who agree to
accept the Invitation are invited... i.e. to come in Peace, for
purpose of expression...to gather in Peace...
3. Any group of individuals to be an assembly requires
two or more (wherever two or more (gather...)...any groups or
individuals who need a place to set up their Soapbox, in
America, have the perfect right to do so...on public land...
without hindrance, interference, excessive conduct, or
violation of civil due process, etc... by other individuals,
groups, and/or police authorities...
4. Since 1972 Gathering of the Rainbow People...the
government has consistently used excessive (force) police
conduct... which has had a "chilling" effect on our First
Amendment Freedoms of Speech and Assembly -- a lot of
documentation exists as to the extent of Police conduct during
all of the Gatherings of the Rainbow...
5. Special Agents were assigned to our Gatherings since
West Virginia 1980...Region 9...Special Agent Dale Smallwood,
Region 9, at West Virginia 1980... was later Incident Commander
Missouri 1985..
6. Billy Ball was at North Carolina 1987 -- making
"humorous" comments (in his opinion) about genocide of our
people.... then at Texas 1988, standing around our Council
circle... with guns, radios, cars, etc... Billy Ball attacked
Neosho, lumping him from behind, within sight and sound of our
Vision Council...I saw it...
Over the years, forest service has seemingly recruited
the worst possible officers to work the Gatherings -- ones
guaranteed to violate our peoples rights... like Billy Ball and
Bruce Maldonado, jack Gregory etc... all of whom are hostile to
our people and have been involved in incidents against our
8. There are places where there are federal public "nude"
beaches -- also, in Spokane, Highbridge Public Park was a nude
beach since 1974 until 1990's, when for safety reasons, City of
Spokane ended it as a "recognized" nude beach... Rainbow
people, among others, during Expo '74, were the folks who
helped "establish" Highbridge as a nude beach.
Under Roe v. Wade, a woman has certain rights to her body.
Zoe has rights to her body... being nude, in full expression,
is a right of a woman/man.
9. Rainbow goes far into the Public Lands, out of sight of
others...as much as possible...openly declaring the intent of
Gathering, setting up our Soapbox, for purposes of
expression... within this happening are people who express
themselves culturally.... some religiously, politically, or
through other forms of speech and expression... the Gathering
itself becomes a form of expression ...is Speech...is a defined
10. Police form Selective Roadblocks on the outer circle
of the Gathering,... to prevent and/or chill the right of
ingress and egress to the peaceable assembly ,rounds... Every
person coming to the gathering is presumed guilty of
something... a violation of one law or another... it may be
nudity, or use of illegal substances, or some other law, etc...
However, a "Checkpoint Charlie" is set up, which presumes these
folks guilty...(see Exhibit 22, 1 of 2 -- reason for stops
given as "criminal interdiction"). Every Gathering is
considered a potential Crisis... likened to a Forest
Fire...(read my paper "Creative Philosophy and
11. Once someone enters the peaceable assembly grounds,
and wants to enjoy their form of expression., they find Police
(many forms) are all over the Soapbox... chilling, by their
presence, with guns and arrogance of authority, ...chilling the
rights of individuals to their individual Expression... by
their presence, our freedom is inhibited, hindered, oppressed.
-- to walk in a sacred way... without clothes, etc, in
near-innocence... is as natural an expression as anyone is born
with... and is one of our cultural expressions... a form of
expressive behavior amongst people of our Culture.
12. In the gathering... the police hunt out and oppress
any individuals they have made contact with... any who are very
helpful to them, and/or folks, individuals who have spoken
against their abusive use of authority in violating our civil
liberties... Police authority hunt them out, threaten them,
"violate their space" -- look for any excuse to harass.
13. Police harass the clean-up crews... and hunt down
individuals, once the gathering is over and oppress them in
their homes.... files are kept on any "recognizable
leaders".... and/or potential troublemakers... or possible
In addition, in North Carolina, in 1987, we were informed
of a Federal law, concerning a person has two or more federal
misdemeanors against them, if they are arrested anywhere in the
United States, even for a jay-walking ticket, they go to jail
for six months...some Congressional act...Is this true?? -- I
have never seen the actual act...however, no question, if this is
true, this could mean that Zoe gets a ticket for nudity and one
for interfering with an officer etc.. she could suddenly have
two Federal misdemeanors against her...
14. In 1996, in Missouri, and elsewhere... the police
extended their oppression even further, displaying, even for
then, an excessive zeal in oppressing the Gathering of the
Rainbow People... they left others alone... eg, the Student
Environmental Action Coalition (S.E.A.C.), a gathering (over
75), for purposes of expression, held on national forest land,
in Missouri -- and Police left alone the Earth First
Rendezvous, in Idaho... no roadblocks, no violation of their
peaceable assembly grounds...(over 75) with no permit...
15. Silly Ball and I are "friendly" adversaries....Billy
has come to respect me, and some Rainbow People, and even the
Gathering... after years of contact... No question Silly fall
is a hard person, and hard toward us ...he and I have met a
number of times... and in our meetings, we have established a
communication.,, he does not violate my space... at a
gathering... and I try not to violate his space... however, I
know he is always out to get me, and others... and he knows I
am always out to call him on his oppression, and/or violations
of our civil liberties.
16. If 311 the information on the "attitude of arrogance
of authority" toward People of Our Culture, and toward the
Rainbow Gathering People specifically, were exposed... it would
track along the same sort of "segregation laws" used against
other minorities: Lack of Due Process, Violations of Liberty...
17. All my papers can Se considered legal evidence,
Zoe's case is not one of public nudity... but is about the lack
of Cultural Freedom... the lack of Due process... and she
should feel threatened, even "stalked" by police authority,
even specific police authorities... because they do have a
proven track record of going after specific people, at
gatherings... especially people who stand against their
oppressive behavior - For example, Jim Lynch case :987, North
Carolina gathering... also, Special Agent Ben Hull, Washington
Gathering 1981, who informed some of us about extensive files
(complete with photos and personal information... I have met
F.S. Agents who have read them) -- the Forest Service has kept
these files on myself, Garrick, a number of others (..Zoe?!)
profiles/analyses of recognizable "leaders", potential
troublemakers, and possible informants... complete with tactics
and strategies to hinder our individual free expression and
that of others.... other tactics include taking down all
license plate numbers and running I.D. checks on every one they
can.. ;"Missouri is only one of several "checkpoint charlies"
Remember that Martial Law, in effect, is set up in a Zone
around the Gathering every year... with Special Agents, Federal
Agents taking over every law enforcement authority, up to and
including the Governor's office, and accompanying National
Guard... (plus U.S. Armed Forces, Army, etc, on stand by...)
As West Virginia Sgt. F. F.W. Dickerson(?), State Police, stated:
"these boys could call an air strike...'' Also, National Guard
has been used against Us Rainbow folks more than once...dating
clear back to Vortex I, Sept 1970; Colorado 1972; Missouri
1985; etc...
No other group or collection of individuals, has ever had
such an array of Authorities "ruling" over them... not since
pre-Revolutionary America, and/or the Establishment of the
Confederate States of America, and/or Slavery and Segregation
Laws... injustices finally overturned, both by Amendment to the
Constitution and common law -- common sense... Rainbow People,
and "hippie-style", Cultural People -- the folks at Grateful
Dead scenes, Barter Faires, Oregon Country Faire, etc... are
routinely harassed by Authority. The specific nature of this
year's harassment in Missouri -- roadblocks on roads leading
only to and from the gathering, etc -- shows a Focus of
Selective Enforcement against Rainbow People and Rainbow Style
Expression -- De Facto Segregation
See also: Native American Indian Religious Freedom Act of
1979; Brown vs. Board of Education; cases of Larry Flint
'Hustler Mag. (see movie: People vs. Larry Flynt); also,
Madeline O'Hair Case (atheist vs. school prayer); Native
American Church, peyote church cases; ...even cases like in
California, where a Federal Judge ruled that the California
Bureau of Prisons must allow the practice of witchcraft, as
spiritual or religious practice, in California prisons...
The fact of the simple rights of people in petition...
peaceably assembling for purposes of expression... implies
ferns of petition, prayer, communications between the people...
Those Rights not reserved to the Federal nor to the States
shall be held respectively to the People... People Peaceably
Assembled for Purposes of Expression... and must be left to
then! ...even if society does not (yet) agree with the
- Love to all of you....glad you are working at it!
We Pray for you all in our circle...keep the faith!
Join the Abolitionist Movement to End Cultural Slavery!
Restore Free Speech! Restore Peaceable Assembly
Give Us/me Liberty and Due Process!
Harriet Tubman Lives!
Telephone: (816) 426-3130
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