Re: I thought this was about gatherings

Paul J. Lucas (
31 Oct 1997 08:07:10 -0800

In <> writes:

>paul--i really don't understand your problem--do you not understasnd the
>function of the delete key? you read a thread once, if it isn't something you
>are into you simply delete it from then on--is that really so hard?

Asaide from the fact that I answered this already, I really
don't understand why you don't understand the problem. First
off, to get the technicalities correct, in my newsreader, I do
*not* push the Delete key. My newsreader is "nn": it displays
a synopsis of all the posts yet to read with their subjects.
It fits about 20 per screen. When I read this newsgroup, there
are several screens waiting for me since the last time I read
it. Finding something worthwhile reading takes more time since
I have to scan each subject meticulously trying to find a good
post (needle) admist a sea of gibberish (haystack). God forbid
I'm away from my computer for a few days.

>or are you really pushing for censorship in this
Another "censorship" cryer. (Sigh.) It isn't censorship any
more than requiring senators to discuss the bill at hand on the
senate floor (rather than 16th century tapestry, say) is.

I had been asking for self-restraint which I freely admit that
is difficult for many people to exercise.

- Paul

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