Re: I thought this was about gatherings

Rob Savoye (
Fri, 31 Oct 1997 09:06:41 -0700 (MST)

From: Peace through Reason
Subject: Re: I thought this was about gatherings

> Is it possible to do this at the server? We're on another news group that
> replies to sender only automatically, and you have to make the conscious
> decision to write to the whole group, whereas here you have to make the
> conscious decision NOT to write to the whole group. A lot of people don't

I'll check into that, but it's usually considered a bug, not a feature. :-)
Usually the other way people always complain about having to forward their
messages to the whole group when they forgot to do a group reply. Besides,
the hard part is the *concious* part. If we're gonna be concious, we can
all start using private email much more.

Majordomo defaults to a group reply, and I'm not sure if I can change

- rob -

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