Re: I thought this was about gatherings

Paul J. Lucas (
31 Oct 1997 08:00:20 -0800

In <> (Heather Reese) writes:

>i wonder if you've ever been to any Rainbow Gathering,

Short answer: no; long answer: see other follow-up.

>and what has sparked your interest in this newsgroup?

Gatherings in general were recommended to me; AGR was
recommended as an electronic means of finding out about them.
As to why I have the interestin the first place, I'll discuss
that in another post soon to follow.

>you stated in one (the last i read so far) of your missives that you didn't
>feel qualified to go to the council in AZ.

I thought the council was in Monterey, CA and that the upcoming
nat'l gathering was in AZ.

>well, maybe you should go there or somewhere, like to a rainbow picnic in CA
>just for the educational experience of it all.

I haven't see any information about any such picnics in northern

>as for the massive amt. of debris messages found on this site chasing
>people off, you still keep reading and writing to "us", eh? kind sense
>that its worth it, don't ya?

Or maybe I like like a good argument.

>cause sometime through the shaff (sp?) there is some bright golden bits of
>info that will strike your heart or your mind

Far more humble: information about things in *my* area.

- Paul

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