Re: fs final report

Rodeo Red (
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 19:54:13 -0400 wrote:
> i have tried to get the final report using all the different url's and i
> still can't get it....i wonder if the problem is that i only get vax...
> the words, no you think that might be our problem,
> dragonfly? i'd sure like to read it! any help would be appreciated....
> even if someone email it to me....
> thanxxand much love to all.....susan

The sites seem to work just fine, so my uneducated guess is that your
browser is not functioning properly. What Kind of browser do you have ?

I use netscape and when I have problems I go to a techie newsgroup on
the netscape server and there are people there who do nothing but answer
questions. They usually answer in about a half hour and the answer is
usually very simple.

According to the people in the Netscape group, netscape 3.0 is not very
frames freindly.
They suggest emptying the memory cache and the disk cache. If that
doesn't work, empty your history file. This simple fix has solved
problems when I was at my wits end. Somehow BAD info gets in, and
starting from scratch somehow fixes it. Emptying your Cache doesn't
lose any messages or bookmarks or anything, it just erases the internet
files that are used to assemble web pages. It might slow your web page
downloads a little bit untill you get them filled up again, but that's
no big deal.

If this doesn't help, let me know and I'll try to find the fax and
newsgroup to help you with your browser.

Rodeo Red

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