Forest Service Report -- on the web

Kirk Wattles (
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 17:58:40 +0000

The Oregon Report is reformatted and available (no frames) at:

This includes an overall table of contents, and a breakdown according to
the different parts of the report. Love and thanks to Ellen and Thomas
for putting it up in the first place -- it looks like you scanned it and
put it through an OCR program. Fantastic fun!

There is some really fine stuff in that report. They're not all raging
Rainbows, but you can see how some had a change of heart about the
Rainbow Family when they came in contact. Everyone who put their name
in that report seems to be sympathetic to the "right of the people
peaceably to assemble," and impressed by the care that the Rainbow
Family puts into exercising that right.

Mike Lohrey, Incident Commander, stakes out a strong position for
deemphasizing "law enforcement" at future gatherings, pointing out the
many conflicts that arose on the Forest Service "team" because LEOs
wanted to treat the whole thing as an illegal assembly.

Rich Carver and Rock Gerke, the OSCs (Operations Section Chiefs,
Resources) took their responsibilities seriously, and realized that the
Rainbow Family was going to do the *real* work -- in spite of the Forest
Service, if necessary.

David Summer starts his report with a challenge for the Forest Service
to take "values" much more seriously. "A day never went by when the
team was not torn in our approach or methodology over values."

David's Personal Journal - Thought of the Day is a nice glimpse of what
the gathering looks like from the "other" side.

And in my opinion, they saved the best for last, with Gary Burnett's
five memoranda, from the 20th of June to the 6th of July! The guy is a
water troll at heart, it just takes him a little while to realize it!

Take the time to browse through the report. In my opinion, the battle
for hearts and minds is over already, whatever the outcome in court
cases. They can't stop it. Even if the warriors (the ones who weren't
bluffing) get to try and stop rainbow gatherings, they can't do it.
Until then, in reports like this, we get to see "your tax dollars at

Kirk Wattles <>

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