Dragonfly, Re: Good News

Peace through Reason (prop1@prop1.org)
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 01:43:19 -0400

Dear Dragonfly,

At 10:10 PM 10/18/97 -0400, you wrote:
>prop1@prop1.org (Peace through Reason <prop1@prop1.org>)
>>The National Forest Service Final Report on the 1997 Rainbow Gathering at
>>Indian Prairie, Oregon is online at
>I want to read it but for some reason get a blank
>screen whenever I try to get there:(
>Any idea why? It doesn't work when I click on it
>or when I try to open the url myself(?)
>Help please
>One frustrated Infomaniac!!
>one love

Gee, sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you on this. All I can
say is that Ellen's taken a more active role in the e-mail department, thus
more and more things are slipping by me.

However, I just cut the URL out of your message, and pasted it into my
Netscape Navigator, and, presto, it took me to the intended location. I
might add that other folks have informed me that they've gotten to the
appropriate site via the same URL.

Maybe you could try again. If it still doesn't work, try going to our home
page <http://prop1.org>, click the "Forest Service Regulation" button, to
to the Administrative Record section, and there should be another link to
the report from there. If it doesn't work yet, let me know and maybe
somebody will be able to help us figure out what's wrong.

Much love,


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