Re: Magic Hat

Butterfly Bill (
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 18:48:35 PDT

Heather said,

>>i knew there was no way to feed the people we had with the pittance we
were getting in the hat. of course miracles happen and probably most
people were fed on lots of starches, but i know that a few kitchens were
getting the majority of their produce from personal donations, cause i
just couldn't bring in that much food with the $ i was given.

Happy Shel said,

>>From my experience at National, this year, there were approx. 40,000
people there, and surely not enough food to go around. ... Next year,
I'd suggest that all of us on the list that come to the gathering hook
up with a kitchen before the gathering and help in the gathering of food
and as to ease the Magic Hat collections.

I KNOW the Magic Hat doesn't feed all the people at a Gathering.

Just like in the old Soviet Union - where numerous black markets and
good-ol'-boy networks arose to make up for the deficiencies left by the
central communist distributors - similar underground economies exist at
a Rainbow Gathering to supplement the Magic Hat-Main Supply-Kitchen
system. This will always happen when you have a system that tries to do
the greatest good for the greatest number of people, but winds up
completely satisfying nobody.

The most obvious black market is Trading Circle, where items considered
illicit by the Rainbow establishment are dealt in - like Snickers bars,
Coca-Cola, or Kool-Aid - but there are other places. Some kitchens will
fry up small amounts of meat to serve to selected individuals, and even
share beers discreetly. Such things also happen at individual camps. If
you know enough of the people in Tipi Circle, you can get invited inside
for food many times and maybe never have to go to a kitchen.

I've always bring a private stash - filled with sugar in various forms,
creamer for coffee, fruit juices, canned tuna and sardines, and boxes of
crackers and chips - to make up for what the Rainbow diet, of mostly
vegetables, pancakes, and rice, is deficient in for me. No, I won't
share any of it until about July 6.

Many kitchens finance themselves, and almost never get stuff from
Supply. The biggest such kitchen is the Krishnas - they pass their own
hat. Rainbow Crystal Kitchen (Gary Stubbs, ogre) - where I give my
energy - is another such place. We get donations directly from people,
mostly obviating Supply.

I learned a while ago always to find a kitchen to marry, and work there
regularly every day. I say "marry" because you really have to make a
monogamous commitment, and work intensely with one group of people so
they really get to know you. It won't do as much good to do little bits
here and there at several kitchens. This is survival behavior I've
developed over the years. If you don't do this, you can be spending many
hours standing in lines for single spoonfuls of food.

When you get to be one of the staff - one who can come behind the bliss
rail - you get in on small batches of food that are made, as well as
joints passed. When the ogre cooks up some small donation of eggs, or
hamburger, or bacon - you get in on it. You don't have to stand in line
for what the kitchen serves, and you can get multiple helpings. People
will save servings of food for you if you are away. You can munch on
little things in the supply tent. You can have what the Soviets called
"blat" - influence with friends that can get you things outside the
official channels.

How to get more into the Hat? I know that if the only place it appears
is at Main Circle, it won't appear to me - much after the 28th of June.
I have lost all patience with that chaotic scene - the only times I
might go there is to catch the end of it after dining with Krishna. The
Hat needs to appear at a lot more places. Every once in a while I get to
play an instrument and act silly in the Magic Hat Parade, but this
doesn't happen every day. We could pass it before every batch at the
more popular zuzu bakeries. We could pass it at 4:20 Circle. The
possibilities are unlimited.

Bill Baxter always told everybody to pass the Hat at one particular
moment - when everyone is still standing in the circle, a few minutes
before the Om. If you come around with it after the food is served,
people will treat you as an intrusion and not give as much.

What is your source for the 40,000 figure, Shel? Even if it wasn't that
much, my impression is that Oregon is the HUGEST Gathering I've ever
been at. I can see why Supply had problems at this one that they might
not have had at others.

Running Main Supply is surely one of the most demanding jobs at a
Gathering - one that requires nerves of steel and ego of rubber - and
any veteran of it deserves a medal and a pension. I remember a young
blond thang in gothy punky clothes handling it like an old sergeant -
and I was very impressed. If that was you, Heather, I'm impressed with

- Butterfly Bill

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