Re: Magic Hat

Jay Purselley (
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 09:44:02 -0500

Brother Rob,I wish to point out that in some places in the world, that
up to 500,000 ,or a little more,people are fed from a central kitchen up
to twice a day.Now this does happen mostly in India,at certain ashrams
and spiritual colonies(towns),One such colony, Dera Baba Jaimal
Singh,has serveral Bhandaras ,or festivals,a year.Each of which draws a
minimum of 20,000 to 35,000.But about twice a year are special Bhandaras
that can draw up to 650,000 or so.During the war with Pakistan up to
700,000 people took shelter at this colony.Now, during these
festivals,especially the major ones,people will walk,ride
bycicles,camels,carts, donkeys,jitneys and cars to get there.They will
set out months ahead of time to get there.They will come from as far as
Tibet ,Assam, Nagaland,Bhutan,Afghanistan,Cambodia and other remote
places.The difference between us and them is that they live very focused
spiritual lives ,and they are drawn as moths to the flame to their
master.They are committed.They are the humblest of the humble.They are
all volunteers.Their Sant(Saint) is their servant.In the heart of the
ancient Mystery tradition all is based on Love.A true Sant does not
except gifts or money unless given with a pure Heart(the widow who only
had a penny to give,who Christ said had given the greatest as she had
given all that she hath,comes to mind),and also initiation never cost
anything,There is no charge and there is only one initiation,not many as
in the Lesser Mysterys.The greatest service that a true saint wil ask of
devotees,and is part of the vows of initiation,is to do ones inner
work,meditation.That is all he(or she)asks that one give.To practice
Divine Remembrance(of the inner True Beloved) For over a hundred years
this colony has been built by hand by its' lineage of masters and the
devotees who surround them.There, there is only honour in peoples
hearts.Honour for themselves and their guru and fellow satangis,their
world,and world wide community.There they have built several free
hospitals in which all are welcome.One hospital is in the city of
Delhi.They feed all for free and also provide free clothing if
needed.All is the Give A Way in the service of ,and by the example of,
the the lineage of the Param Sant Sat Guru.Remember the original
etymology of the word guru is,gu=give,ru=light.So a true guru is one who
never calls himself a master,who thinks and speaks always of God and
_his_ master, and who gives light in all his(or her, there have been
female masters ,such as Mira Bai)ways.Brother these societys provide an
excellent example if we truly wish to make a better world in the coming
Aquarian Age.Well brother ,I just thought I'd share this.Of all the
places in the world,the Dera(means resting place)is the greatest example
I've found of Harmony.Harmony in body
,land,mind,spirit,healing,giving,heart,love, and compassion.The Dera was
built to pay back the spiritual debt owed to Guru Nanak in that area(to
the land and people).I've even seen the birds gather by the thousands
every time, in the same tree, to be there when the master makes his
return to the Dera after being gone on his often months long trips.If
your are interested I can get you a video tape of a Bhandara.Hey, don't
worry,these people are just practitioners of
yoga,sehaji(easy)yoga(union).There is no conversion process.They say
that religion and that whole my- way- is- the- only- way stuff happened
because saints came ,gave their message and left,and then the followers
didn't practice the teachings ,so got into arguments about what the
teacher meant ,and thats how religions started.So religions ,while doing
some good for the masses,and fulfiling a need(reminding people of the
Whole, the Creator,the Great Spirit;filling some of the longing in
peoples hearts)are really only failed manifestations of the
Mysterys.Hey, thats a whole subject in itself! Well I must go .Gotta go
to New Orleans. Peace in the Light,
Arrowstar+Tribe of Romany Star+Rainbow-

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