Re: Yin and Yang

starwatcher (
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:02:26 -0500

BoomBdBoom wrote:
> As others here have pointed out, men and women are not so
> different.

big snip and i agree
> So what does this have to do with Rainbow? Everything. Most of
> the time I have found the National to be a very Yang thing.

so is mainstream culture - I go to gathering to get a chance to
put down the lance and peel off the body armor of Mainstream Maleness.

its where I can get my dose of yang - its where i rediscoover that
perfect child within me-

I can get involved in traditional yang energy-(supply, construction,
shitter digging,)
but even there its real different- maleness at gathering is kinder and

big snip about sanctuary- I agree
> So why don't we try to rebalance main circle? Might as well change the orbit
> of the moon, while we're at it. There are things that can be done to mellow
> things out more. But I don't want them more mellow! I like the explosion at
> the end of the silence. The more radical the better. Most of the time I
> don't need a breather. Most of the time a rain storm will give one to me.
> There are things we need to be concerned with. For instance, the brothers who
> like to literally drag sisters to the ground are a serious problem for the
> overall feel of a gathering. Even if they don't do physical harm, who wants
> to be treated that way? I love hugs, but have become really leery of those
> "hug patrols" Got frisked or felt up too may times I guess. And I wish the
> noisy boys at the drum jams would stop and listen some times.

haven't heard about throwing folks to the ground?

unwanted sexuality in a hug feels like a betrayal of trust, doesn't it?

have you noticed the sexual nature of a drum circle-
younger male drumers seem to come to climax of the beat faster and older
mixed groups
just hold it there and let it dance into lots of little climaxes.

> I've noticed there seems to be a difference in the way we treat gender based on
> age. There is a generation gap that can be as small as 10 years. American
> culture has gone through some pretty big gyrations lately. Things that women
> fought long and hard for 30 years ago are taken for granted by a woman in her
> early 20's. Things that were issues in the 60's seemed like dead horses to me
> when I hit that age. Now a whole new set of issues have come up. Really,
> that holding the door open business only seems to be a problem with other
> people and people in Utah. :-)
> Part of this I think has to do with the phases of life we all go to. Some of
> it is just my perspective. A lot of it really is just that the times they are
> a changing.

They ARE changing- look at 1967 and look at 1997-
Isn't it interesting how much stuff came true from '67 first
and how much we never thought of at all

Tim Leary died attended by people all over the world linked by a
computer net.

didja imagine that one in '67?


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