BJ (
Wed, 8 Oct 1997 13:56:41 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Legeia.
Thanks for your kind and insightful response. I guess I was being a bit of
a pud.

I agree there is lots of work needed on the gender issue in some ways. I was
just being pissy because it seems whether I’m at a gathering, watching a
discussion on TV, reading the newsgroup, or ? …. gender debates seem to
become the general topic of discussion more than anything else (guess that’s
proof there IS continuing need for this debate right?)

It just gets to me sometimes when I see the subject dominate "rainbow"
discussions, when we neglect so many other things regarding our gatherings
and needs.

But your right, the gender issue is important to many, and as you say, some
folks ARE getting something from it.

After some reflection, I guess I just felt like writing something and guess
what the topic of the day (month? Year? :) has been? Not wanting to get
into that subject myself, I choose a different angle to the subject.

My real frustration (or is that crustation?) was with not seeing our family
working enough on our family needs/problems. And the lack of this focus on
AGR in particular just drove that feeling even farther.
But in all honesty, it’s not an easy subject to deal with (gathering
needs/problems), even harder than the gender issue :)

One of my basic beliefs (I think) is one shouldn’t expect others to get
involved with something they themselves aren’t willing to get involved with.
As much as I would like to see more family involvement regarding our
gatherings, I find it hard for myself to devote such time and commitment to
it more than brief moments throughout the year. So how fair is it to
complain about others not doing so?

This is the crux (crust?) of my problem I think.

>Your post is a good one in pointing toward the future. Methinks we just
>need to get some of the garbage out of the way first. Peace and Love.

Though I see some truth in that, I have to basically disagree. If we waited
till we "get some of the garbage out of the way first", we’ll be waiting an
eternity. (our landfills are overflowing, the garbage trucks pick up more
each week and we’re still making more and more garbage as we wait for things
to get better)

Lets face it, it "IS" easier and takes less of ones personal time to discuss
gender issues (or Cassini or logging or whatever) than it does getting
involved with really dealing with "rainbow" issues. That’s not meant to put
these things down or to seem "rainbow" issue’s have more importance, it’s
just that one can pop in and out of such discussions without making any long
term commitment of personal time (and who has enough of that?)

That makes these issues easier to get into than rainbow issues.
Note: I’m assuming most folks in these threads aren’t committing a lot of
their personal time to these issues. Though there is always some exceptions,
Laurie Starfire & Thomas to name a few (oh ya and RODGER too if we include
getting laid :)

Trying to take on some aspect of the gathering and trying to really do
something about it takes a LOT of personal time and commitment. You can’t
just start something then choose to slack off when it gets to be to much
personal commitment (shouldn’t say "can’t", happens all the time :)

Like Sailor said, start something, lead on….. Well I guess "I’m" not willing
to make that commitment right now either (so much to do, so many desires, so
little time). So saying what I did is a little hypocritical to my own ears
in some ways.

Excuse my barking (my dog barks at every little sound she hears too, wonder
where she got THAT from?).

The number of folks on AGR compared to how many folks in our family, is a
very very small amount (get out your microscope for comparison), so
expecting a lot of serious discussion/commitment to gathering needs is
probably a little unrealistic.

So keep up all the threads, there is lots to learn on ALL fronts (though I
still think we focus on gender issues more than we should :)

All is fine… it was just a little wine … won’t you come over to dine?

Thanks again for your comments Legeia.
Sometimes you got to talk out loud to see what’s really in your head.

Never knowing just when to apologize, criticize or mezmorize ……….. BJ

P.S. - But hey! the earlier comment I made about seeing more "humor" in
one’s life …. Now THAT I’m serious about.

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