Re: The DOGGONE Golden Road

Wed, 8 Oct 1997 00:12:53 -0600

So gender and everything physical is illusion. What an illusory thing to
say. I know Eastern Mysticism talks like this alot but come on. What
does this mean? That you are on some higher plain than everybody else?
That it doesn't count when we eat or drink or breath? That my sexual
urges are somehow base and meaningless before you the high holy
enlightened one that has gone beyond mear physicality?
Don't see it. Won't go for it.

God gave us bodies and desires and gender and it's sooo easy to assert
that you are above all that but such allegations are meaningless
semantics and really blatant elitism.

Pride is unnecessary huh. More politically correct attempts at
philosophical superiority. Empty rhetoric as far as I'm concerned (I'm
an expert on empty rhetoric). I am damn proud of my success' and my
services. I ain't some perfect detached Buddha and neither are you bro!

Sorry kids, to me spiritual science and discipline involves sublimating
real life not negating it. I am proud of my gender (although BommbdBoom
I am considering the possibility that in another life I was a Baboon
Female-- but but but I was horny as hell then too!). I am proud of my
body (geez I'd like to lose some weight) and I am proud of the material
possessions I have gained through hard work and which serve friends and

Oh Goddess I'm so unenlightened it's scarey!?!


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