Re: Greetings! In need of a family...

kaliedescope eyes (
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 17:20:43 -0400 (EDT)

In article <> you wrote:
: Salutations brothers and sisters! After attending several of the Burning Man
: Festivals, and numerous other intresting events, I would love to be a part of
: the Experience. I am in a quandry though, as I cannot find any information
: on any gatherings taking place anytime on the west coast... Could someone
: please guide my hand in becoming one of the family?

well, unfortunately i'm stuck here on the east coast (not for much longer
than this winter though hopefully), but i do know that a fair amount of
rainbow family are planning to attend the summer of love reunion which
promises to be a good time no matter what. i'm sure you'll find a lot of
like minded brothers and sisters there who'd be willing to welcome you home.

also, have you checked out there should be phone #'s
of lightlines in your area posted there.

: Joshua!

what a great name you've been blessed with! some of my favorite brothers
are named joshua (which is actually one of the reasons i took the time to

peace and blessings

if you do make it to summer of love, and you come across a kind brother
named rusty, please tell him leah sends her love.

_|_ "at this point my need for an explanation of this phenomenon is 
 |	superceded by my gratitude for its existence."    --me

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