Re: Shawnee Gathering Site

Dragonfly (
1 Oct 1997 19:54:46 GMT

><P>HandyDanD wrote:
>hey now, what state is the shawnee gathering site,
>i would like to attend
>a family gathering but i travel mostly in the southeast in my old school
>bus, please let me know of any gatherings in my region,

Hi HandyDanD

There is a Katuah Fall Council coming up and *maybe* a
Piedmont Council also, but it may have happened already.
Katuah (does not post to the net but notifies folks in the
mail. Your best bet for the southeast would be to check
the lightline (770) 662-6112 out of Atlanta.
Katuah councils happen in spring and fall and they gather
regionally for the solstice, near the end of June.

Katuah-NC and parts of TN

I'm not sure what Piedmont is doing nowadays though they
have gathered in the past.

Piedmont-SC and GA(?)

Cumberland family--we aren't sure what they will be doing
next year but *if* they do gather their last consensus
was to set the gathering dates, for the full moon of May.
That info may or may not get posted to the net?
(*i don't know of any standing consensus not to in the
cumberland history)

Cumberland-KY and parts of TN

Then in yrs past there have been winter gatherings in Florida
the last two weeks in February. There was a bit of confusion
over that one last yr. So we'll have to wait for the Florida
family to council and see whats up.

Florida-Ceynote and other family in the area Miami Tribe
and Palm Tribe(possibly others I've missed)

A trend has started following the Florida regional for folks
to hang out in Alabama and sporadic "road gatherings" occur
as a result of the migration.
The local family last year did not call a gathering and
consensed not to facilitate one.

We'll have to wait and see before we know if the Alabama
family will be inviting us to gather with them. However, you
can be sure there'll be folks in the woods at that time, one
way or the other. Florida is a favorite wintering place for
many folks on the road, so a gathering of some sort is to be
expected. What kind or how well focused it is, is difficult
to say at present, at least until they council.

OM Valley Rainbow-southern OH, northern KY and some folks
from the sw tip of IN and our WV/PA family living close to us.

So far nothing is planned or consensed on for OM Valley
who just finished their council/camp out

That about covers any activity I know of for OH, KY, TN, NC
SC, GA, and Florida.

Maddy might have more info to give, if she's watching. Hey
Maddy what's up
in your neck of the woods;)? Anything new or exciting?

hope this helps a little


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