RE: Re:reptillianbrain <love,gender,groovy>

Randall,Holly-SEA (
Wed, 01 Oct 97 15:15:00 PDT

>>When I did, I had to wear my coke-bottle bottom
>> glasses (yep, I'm almost legally blind). The week before, I had gone to
>> like a nerdy librarian at night, with my coke-bottle bottoms on. Hahaha!
>> Why are most men so visual-oriented? Why are so many men so caught up in
>> looks?

>Coke bottle glasses??? Oh my god, I think coke bottle glasses are SUCH
>a turn on! I totaly love nerdy girls. Oh ok,,, truth, I love attractive
>nerdy girls/women. I swear, women who look a little "bookish" get a
>second and third look from me. I suppose Ive just proven the above point
>about being visually oriented. But seriously, I've really been
>fascinated with the "nice guys finish last" thread. I can relate to
>this. But you know what? We can talk about sexual trends and "well
>healed" lovers till were blue in the face, but (and I hate to admitt
>it), I really think alot of this comes down to biology. I know, I sound
>like some reductionist goofball but check it out. When it comes to the
>game of "propagation of the species" nature has made a few mandates. One
>is that women (and female mammals in general) have been deemed the
>"selectors" in the mating game. They have been given the innate instinct
>to make their mate selections based upon the criteria of "maximum
>biological viability". They are the "quality controll" officers of the
>species. Thier biology even goes along with this theme. They have a
>limited number of eggs which they are born with and they can produce
>limited numbers of offspring (unless they are catholic). Max bio
>viability means the male that is likely to contribute the most favorable
>genetics to the gene pool. Now, when it comes to "nice guys finishing
>last" I think that is due to the unfortunate fact that somewhere in our
>reptilian brains (limbic system) we (females) still equate
>aggressiveness as favorable trait. This makes for a better "club on
>enemy head basher" or "spear in heart of dinner dude". I think this may
>be one of the reasons women mysteriously go after guys who resemble
>neanderthals. It's the genes stupid! I feel it is also sort of an
>evolutionary adaptation of this same principle when women seem to go
>after guys who drive expensive cars and wear expensive clothes. This
>represents wealth, (and colorfull feathers). In this day and age, wealth
>represents the modern day equivilant of the ability to "kill big
>buffalo". So, you ladies,,, mind those reptilian brains of yours!!!

>Men,,, on the other hand are given the instict to ensure that the proper
>NUMBER of procreative acts are accomplished. They have loads of
>spermies, make new ones every day, and LOVE to spread em around!!! They
>(generally speaking) are not quite so concerned with the idea of quality
>as much as quantity.

>Sooo, where does this leave us???? Id say it leaves us in the middle of
>an evolving process. I believe it has come to the point where the old
>rules litterally dont apply much longer. I think the "aggressiveness as
>criteria" has passed it's point of usefullness. I would even speculate
>that it seems to be a rather short sighted plan on natures part. Cuz
>unlimately this aggression thing is going to be our collective undoing.
>I think we are in the process of growing out of this reality, I believe
>that nature itself may even be dictating this "evolution away from
>aggression". Hey! us rainbows are on the cutting edge of evolution!!!
>Heres to a new paradigm of human interaction.

>Sorry this was so long
>a big fat PEACE to all you belly buttons
>Mark... (

I just read this. I love it! I think this piece is grrreat!!

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