Re: DEA Supoena
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 8:29:55 -0600

we send our wishes and prayers for a new year filled with love and laughter
,with peace and health. here is a start on the laughter...and the love!
..... susan, billy and tony......

Two bees buzz around what's left of a rose bush. "How was your
summer?"asks bee number one.
"Not too good," says bee two. "Lotta rain, lotta cold. Not enough
flowers, not enough pollen."

The first bee has an idea. "Hey, why don't you go down the corner
and hang a left? There's a bar mitzvah going on. Plenty of flowers
and fruit." Bee two buzzes, "Thanks!" and takes off.

An hour later, the bees bump into each other again. "How was the
bar mitzvah?" asks the info-bee.
"Great!" says buddy-bee.

The first bee peers at his pal and wonders, "What's that on your
"A yarmulke," is the answer. "I didn't want them to think I
was a wasp."

Cheryl Rogers
HAND! Have A Nice Day!


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