Glenn & Ilene Battin (
Wed, 01 Oct 1997 10:35:19 -0400

Calling all Healers:
So much has been discussed and dissed on agr about diseases and healing
modalities this past year.

I've got a new one and would appreciate you sharing your experience or insight
to my problem.

I have been diagnosed w/ a viral inner ear infection. The symptoms include
extreme dizziness, nausea, constant ringing in my ears. (actually my whole
brain seems to hum w/ a high pitched whine.)

I do not have an earache. A physical E.N.T exam and audiological exam are normal.
The Doc says based on experience in 80-90% of the cases this is a viral infection
and will last about a month. If it persists longer I should begin a series of tests
for brain cancer.

I have been iced in bed for a week and am barely able to write this w/the help
of a medicine "anti-vert" that is supposed to control the vertigo "dizzines".
It helps a little but is also a seditive.

Besides the side affects. I still feel out of control.
I cannot get to work. A month out of work is a killer.

Healing advise is really needed now.


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