Re: Love yourself

Glenn & Ilene Battin (
Wed, 01 Oct 1997 10:20:34 -0400

Christophe Barbey wrote:
> Hello to you all, in the love of yourself as in the love of others.

Hey All:
I haven't been able to acknowledge the responses I've gotten on this
thread until now. I want to tell you that I am grateful for the love
& consideration you have given me. The responses have meant a lot and
have given me much to meditate on.

BTW the reason I haven't been able to respond is a devastating affliction
that has kept me immobilized for better than a week now.
I have a viral inner ear infection. The symptoms are mainly extreme dizziness,
constant ringing in my ears and nausea. I am coping w/ a med ... anti-vert.

Since we have seen so many medicine reports & questions, etc. I going to
open a new thread (MEDICINE THREAD) & hope for a better answer than
"this will run its course in a month!" "and if not we'll begin a series of tests
for brain cancer."
I may not be able to respond soon but I will when able.
Love and Peace to you all,

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