White House Rally Sun. October 12, 1997 -- "Breaking the

Peace through Reason (prop1@prop1.org)
Wed, 01 Oct 1997 09:53:16 -0400

<center>Spread the Word -- We're


White House Rally At Lafayette Park

Music - Speakers - Candlelight Vigil

Sunday, October 12th, 1997

>From 2 p.m. till launch (or 5:00 A.M.)

</center>Plutonium into space -- on the highways, railways, ships and
submarines -- new, burrowing nuclear bombs -- continuing "subcritical"
nuclear testing -- avoiding the landmine treaty, and ignoring World Court
opinions -- this administration has much to answer for. America's air,
earth, water, highways, farms, suburbs, and inhabitants don't need any
more nuclear mishaps.

Stop Cassini - At 4:45 AM EDT on Monday, October 13, 1997, from launch
complex # 40 at the Cape Canaveral Air Station, a spacecraft called
Cassini is scheduled to lift off. On board Cassini will be 72.3 pounds of
the deadliest substance known, Plutonium (Pu)-238. This is by far the
most Pu ever attempted to be launched in a space mission. Experts say
inhaling less than 27 millionths of a gram of Pu will give you lung
cancer and causes long term genetic damage. They say, of 67 nuclear
launches to date, 9 have failed (a failure rate of 1 in 7.44 or 13.44% --
NASA's own current estimate of chance of failure is 1 in 345).

Alan Kohn, Safety Engineer for the Cassini launch, has quit NASA to tell
the world the launch is not safe. Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of physics
at CCNY, says solar panels would be adequate if the size of the Saturn
probe were reduced only 130 lbs. Nobel prize-winning physicist Dr.
Richard P. Feynman, a member of the Presidential Commission that
investigated the 1/28/86 Challenger disaster, said: "The NASA managers
exaggerated the reliability of the shuttle to the point of fantasy. I

considerable flaws in their logic. I found that they were making up
numbers not based on experience. NASA's engineering judgment was not the
judgment of its engineers."

NO MOBILE CHERNOBYL - Meanwhile, pressure is on the House to ratify the
"Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1997" (it passed the Senate as S-104),
otherwise known as "Mobile Chernobyl." Plans, we hear, are to transport
the waste from 120 or so nuclear power / weapons facilities "temporarily"
to Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Reliable report is that Yucca Mountain
suffered a 4.0-richter earthquake on September 12, 1997, and the area has
had dozens of earthquakes in recent years.

Please come to the rally on October 12th to register your opinion. Plan
to stay till dark, when there will be prayer and candlelight vigil to
pray all night for an end to the nuclear nightmare.

Please advise us if you would like to speak or perform.

Ellen Thomas



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