Re: I thought this was about gatherings

Dragonfly (
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 13:30:05 -0500

>"Paul J. Lucas" <> wrote:

>> 1. The Cassini launch
>> 2. Interior bill
>> 3. Martin L. King
>> 4. American Airlines
>> 5. The homeless
>> 6. Star Trek
>> 7. Townhouse available in Palo Alto
>> Topics 1-5 are political and thus are probably more appropriate
>> to a political discussion newsgroup; 6 is sci-fi and thus is
>> probably more appropriate in a sci-fi group; and 7 belongs in a
>> housing newsgroup or in the ba.* newsgroup hierarchy.

OH Gosh Paul........***(:WELCOMEHOME:)***
and welcome to the wild, whacky and
wonderful world of rainbow and especially *alt.gathering.rainbow*

--is an unmoderated newsgroup.......for an avid bunch of anarchists
that translates into 'anything goes' even when someone objects to
the validity of a certain topic-->"for this newsgroup"....someone
else will jump to defend you will see alot of things you
or someone else might think is unrelated but that is rainbow and
this is a gathering...albeit an electronic one it's still a rainbow

>> I am a great fan of "everything to its place." I have little to
>> no interest in any of the above topics.

well here's the heart of the matter! who's to decide that a certain
topic is out of place at a gathering?
.....if folks don't like it they just don't read or respond to it and
it will eventually fade away...
if it keeps appearing because it is of interest to someone or they
wouldn't keep it going........aha but what about the dastardly topics
of the demented......ignore them if they are not
them if the are.....but most of all ignore it if you don't want to
read it.
there are not always "gatherings" on the land to be commenting on
at any given time and most of the folks in this newsgroup are
family wanting to hang out with family and talking about whatever
is near and dear to them at any given moment...REGS, cookies,
flying saucers, vehicle registration, indiscriminate logging......

ignore all rumors of organization because there isn't any;] and
that can be a bit of a hump to get over, when you come from a
life full of organization, used to things fitting into their
own little niches, discovering something that functions without
that kind of organization takes abit of getting used to.)

>>On 23 Oct 1997 14:47:03 Madelyn Powell wrote:
>>> So any topic that concerns or enlightens any of us is free game,
>> By that reasoning, I should be able to discuss developing web
>> software on Solaris platforms here since, in terms of my job, I
>> find that enlightening.

actually there is nothing to stop you from trying it and you might
find someone else who has the same may or may not
interest other readers, they may or may not ask you to take it to
private email.........either way there is nothing to prevent you
from intiating that topic, whether or not others agree and
participate is just up to the individual readers on agr. see folks
from time to time have come up with the same thoughts as you are
having now with about the same results!

>>> because we also believe in the first amendment
>> That statement expresses a far-too-common fallacy of thinking.
>> Discussing topics in the right place is not anti-first
>> amendment nor is it pro-censorship. Discussing topics in the
>> right place relies (far too heavily, IMHO) on people to use
>> common sense to post in the right place. Usenet, for better or
>> worse, mirrors real discussion groups in the world. Just as
>> you wouldn't discuss needlepoint on the Senate floor, or racing
>> cars in a breast-cancer support group, topics not related to
>> rainbow gatherings should not be discussed here...IMHO.

ahhh but you see this *is* a rainbow gathering of sorts;]
and anything can be discussed here:) OK let's give this a try:

now close your eyes...feel the warmth of the fire.....smell it as it
crackles sending sparks into the night sky....come a little closer
a sister or a brother is talking about whatever is in their heart
or mind at that time.......who's to say that their problem with
gardening, parenting, living, learning, the gov't, the environment
or how to live a more loving life isn't appropriate? why aren't
jokes, discussions of the paranormal, gov't shennigans, corporate
rape and welfare, illegal search and seizures, water treatment,
the treatment of disease or injury, lost kids, broken down vehicles,
drug and alcohol addiction not related to a gathering? they are
very much apart of a gathering.

>> Otherwise you get a Tower of Babble, poor signal-to-noise
>> ratio, (pick your favorite analogy).

yes you do and every now and then you see an order of it's own
take shape.......not because someone said it should or couldn't
but because folks had the 'freedom' to let it evolve or wither.

>>> If this were just an event calendar, it would be dull, dull, dull...
>> Granted. But I never said it should be. I'm merely saying
>> that topics with a heavy political slant, science fiction, and
>> available housing aren't on-topic.

it's ok! they are on topic, the topic is
"we are gathering right here in cyberspace"
and doing what comes naturally sharing ideas, visions heartsongs, just takes a bit of getting used to.

if you aren't used to something with that amount of freeform it just
takes awhile to catch on. if you don't care for a certain
thread or feel it's off topic(which many of us have at times)
then you just stop reading it.)

>> Discussing *where* events should take place is on-topic. (I
>> assume that somebody simply doesn't pull a date and location
>> out of a hat and that it's discussed first.) Reports of past
>> gatherings are on-topic. Advice for new-comers (e.g., what
>> should one *bring* and *not* bring to a gathering) is on-topic.
>> An FAQ is on-topic. Describing what generally goes on at
>> gatherings is on-topic. Suggestions of other events (hikes,
>> trips, sight-seeing tours) for rainbow-minded folk is on-topic.
>> I could go on.

that would work if this were a moderated group.....but it's not and
for many of the readers here this is "a gathering" so any topic is
acceptable......they may be talking to themself in the end or someone
may ask them to take it elsewhere but no one can make them do anything.

>>> PS- that's a REAL unfriendly email adress: "Nobody Write, Nobody
>>> Welcome, I Ain't Here!" ;-)
>> It should (?) be obvious that the e-mail address is intended
>> for spammers. Those who REALLY want to contact me by e-mail,
>> as opposed to posting a follow-up, have merely to use their
>> favorite web search engine. I'm not difficult to find.

well actually it isn't all that easy to find and there are lots of
folks that are unable to do much more than read the mail that comes
into their box. when i'm using the 'nospam' thing, i like to put
my real address after my name without <> that would flag it for
a robot to pick up.

i do that just so folks can email a private response.......some are
very shy about posting to a newsgroup
and manyyyyyyy would not be able to locate your address through
a search favorite search engine only gave me your
nospam address when i tried out of curiosity.)

just hang in there and enjoy the topics that interest you, try to
start a topic on your favorite subject and ignore the ones you
aren't interested in! getting used to the disorganization here
will help alot when you run into it in other settings, like
the woods;]

btw: did i see you say you were in california? are you going
to the council? i know some neat folks will be there for sure!
wish i was in that neck of the woods so i could go:(sigh):

one love

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