k42r (
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 17:31:33 -0400

Dwolfe: You said, "which one of you left scottie here last year???..."
Can't say who, just why:

Reason number 10: We thought you needed him.
Reason number 9: We didn't want to take ALL the guitar players back
up north with us. .
Reason number 8: We didn't know if it would be legal to move him
across state lines.
Reason number 7: Sorry about that, we didn't think you'd notice.
Reason number 6: We needed the space in the van for Harmonica Tom's
Reason number 5: The Krishna's down there expressed an interest
in him.
Reason number 4: We thought it was Babs' turn to watch him.
Reason number 3: We knew there wouldn't be enough zu zu's on the
return trip and did not want to depress him.
Reason number 2: When legal work gets boring, he likes tie empty
gallon jugs together.
Reason number 1: To get even, he might just leave US down there
this year!

Peace Ken 42R

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