Re: A NASA-insider's announcement of Cassini launch

Glenn Battin (
Thu, 23 Oct 1997 14:41:15 -0400

Varactacap wrote:
> There's enough matter in interstellar space to power a starship to more than
> 1.0c. Once moving fast enough, the handful of atoms that can be found in
> space would become a wind of extremely hot plasma. Scoop up and then collapse
> the interstellar atoms by forcing the combination of their electrons and
> positrons,

How can this be done?

>accelerate the resulting neutrons to near 1.0c using the energy of
> the ahnialated electrons and positrons, and you can theoritically exceed 1.0c.
> What happens then, nobody knows. I imagine it's not unlike the sound
> barrier.
> Peace!
> \AaronWarp drive technology Scottie?

> Andy Robert Steinberg wrote:
> a theoretical starship design called Orion, which could reach 0.3c by
> >jettisoning
> >nuclear bombs a distance behind itself and riding the shock waves.

Freeman Dyson proposed this method in a race w/ the liquid fuels group @ NASA
many moons ago.
> This would
> >leave
> >long trails of highly radioactive material everywhere Orion goes, in essence
> >causing
> >massive pollution of outer space. The Orion Project long ago was scrapped,
> >and rightly
> >so.<SNIP>
Far-off energy sources may be derived from small
> >black
> >holes, or from converting matter directly into energy.

How about converting ice (frozen H2O) into H2 fuel
(which got the spaceship there in the first place) Basically creating a distant
refueling station for th enext legs of the trip.

Nah.. How about we do this on a massive scale on Earth to eliminate greenhouse gas
emissions and burn H2 which produces water vapor for exhaust.

Sound too much like Rainbow technology.

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