Re: [Fwd: Re: A NASA-insider's announcement of Cassini launch]

Varactacap (
23 Oct 1997 05:18:05 GMT

Glenn wrote:
>I believe that eco protestors are brave and not self consumed.
>Astonauts are brave also but I feel differently about their bravery. I
>am not
>convinced that their motives are related to the salvation of mankind
>than the thrill of exploring the unknown. They are certainly
>experiencing a
>different thrill than those that put their lives/freedom @ risk for an
>cause. Eco protest has an immediate sustainable payback if successful.
>Benefitting everyone here, now and the future.

The eco protesters certainly have a much purer cause than the astronouts. By
the same token, doctors have a much purer cause than engineers. Technology
has been used to harm people far more often than medicine has. There is,
sadly, no hipporcratic oath in science.

But, it's worth noting that one of the symbols most often associated with the
environmental causes came from a space craft with an RTG on board. The often
seen symbol of Earth in the void of space came from a mission to the Moon.
The exploration of space is unequivically tied to the understanding of the
Earth's fragile environment. I believe the exploration of space is worth some

As for the pureness of my heart in these matters. Who can really say. I
definately look forward to gawking at really cool pictures of Saturn.


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