Re: lovegender, reptillianbrain,looong.

Sky (
Tue, 14 Oct 97 03:01:07 PDT

| BULL said:
| Watch your assumptions girls <snip> I<snip> feel that any <snip> magic is
a dilution of the ancient texts ...<snip>... When you put |someone's quote
on the web you add power to his evocation. <end snips>
I have to agree...even the ancient Hebrews recognized the inherent power in
words for they eminate from the mind, become verbal and then are physically
manifested...they took their lesson from The Almighty...for..."In the
beginning"..."God said"...and whatever was said...came into existence...or

This is also evidenced in both blessings as well as curses...and just as
Scripture tells us these things...the sins of our forefathers (curses) can
follow us "even unto the third and fourth generation" so even psychologists
today tell us that emotional and psychological problems can take 3 and 4
generations before they can be worked out.

We also see evidence of this sort of working written even in our First starts with Religion (thought), extends to Speech (and the
press) (the thought begins to take form), and then the Assembly (the
action...the physical manifestation)

blessings & dreams,

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