Re: What is Real (was Re: The DOGGONE Golden Road)

AwiNoquisi (
11 Oct 1997 02:52:17 GMT

Wow, MT Crystal! WOW! It is too, too true. You wrote:
>Life should be fun! The incarnations we are currently living SHOULD be
>the ones we are fucused on. Dive in! Live! Just don't forget that there
>is more out there than what we can all see right now.

Yes, yes and yes! My thoughts exactly. I meet alot of people who are very
caught up in their past lives. Some of them are so consumed by their past
actions and their karma that they lose sight of what they are supposed to be
doing, their job! Me, I know of four of mine(so far), but I try not to let
myself dwell on them. (Yeah, well, and I was not always the sweet little sis
that I am now LOL!) The moment, this eternal NOW is the most important. What
I am doing now is currently the most important thing. I could be reading, or
chatting with my bro and sis, or sitting down on the dock watching Lady Moon
on the water... But I choose to do this right now. Get my drift?

Your Lovin Sis,

>Subject: What is Real (was Re: The DOGGONE Golden Road)
>From: (BoomBdBoom)
>Date: Thu, Oct 9, 1997 14:39 EDT
>Message-id: <>
>Here's my two cents.
>Life is like a game of Dungions and Dragons. You pick your character, the
>overall game and when and where you're going in. You've got all these
>people interacting with each other through their characters. Make too big
>a mistake and your character gets killed, and until you make another one,
>you're out of the game. You ususally play with the same people, but not
>always. The game is pretty ingorssing. A lot of people forget it's just a
>game. They forget that when their charicater dies, it's just a charicater.
> They can get another. Still, you don't want to get killed too often.
>Some people aren't really into it, and spend more time talking with the
>other people and eating chips than playing.
>I also think we come here with the intention of learing about what it is
>like to be alive. We come back over and over until we are sure we know
>enough. Going on a denail trip is certainly worth an incarnation. It's
>kind of like being a contrary. But it aint for most people.
>Life can be prety painful. Sometimes people go on a delial trip to kind
>of numb themselves. That's all fine and well for a short time, but a lot
>of people take it too far. Then they risk boredom in a big way.
>So I guess it comes down to the material plane is very real, just as a D&D
>game board is real. But, to quote Ram Dass "you are not who you think you
>are." The illusion comes from our thinking that this is all there is. We
>are much more than we let ourselves imagine.
>Life should be fun! The incarnations we are currently living SHOULD be
>the ones we are fucused on. Dive in! Live! Just don't forget that there
>is more out there than what we can all see right now.
>Montana Crystal

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