Re: The Golden Road of Love

BoomBdBoom (
6 Oct 1997 20:54:50 GMT

I know this is just chumm in the water, but the shark in my can't resist.
Yes Lucy, you got a rise out of me. Aint yah just proud a yerself.

In article <614l1l$6qo$>,
(LUCIFER) writes:

>Dear BoombdBoom
>I just can't see this cross sex thing. I mean when brothers start
>blabbing about women having balls because of some imaginary anatomical
>whim that they have made up to be politically correct I start to wretch.
>And now this business of 'I used to be a man in another lifetime'. Come
>Are you guys for real?

Yep. And a lot of brothers and sisters dress alike too: long skirt and no
shirt. If you could stop gawking it would get your GOAT (teehee.)

>Am I just a reactionary macho ignoramous?


>proud to be a MAN! I was always a MAN!

OK. Nope, but I'm not surprised you forgot. You aren't supposed to remember.

> I don't want to be gay or bi or
>trans or have some murky imagined past where I was just a sweet little
>girl. I don't see it guys. I know that most of you find me too obnoxious
>to respond too, but I just think some of you take your so called open
>minds too far and start to spout meaningless drivel.

I would never say you had to be anything other than what you are, unless
YOU were unhappy with youself. I might tell you to get out of my face,
depending on my mood.

>BoomBdBoom you sound like quite a woman. Do you really honestly believe
>this transsexual reincarnation stuff?


>You don't sound like a politically
>correct sweet talker

True. I can't stand political correctos.

> but then again you do alot of quoting which can
>conveniently replace thinking.

Gotta give credit where credit is due. If you will kindly notice, I do
more than quote. Actually I'm doing a half assed job of quoting. I keep
waiting for someone to look it up and call me on it.

Hey wait a minute? Wasn't that a quote?

> Oops I'm getting obnoxious again. Sorry.
>Real men speak their minds and only the strong of character can confront

Got no problem with that. Real strong PEOPLE speek their minds. So what.

> But I do want to learn from my AGR brethren.
>Are you guys with the 'women have balls, I was a man once' line of
>thought, hermaphrodites with dual genitals?

Getting a little mixed up aren't you? One life may lead to another, but
you don't gennerally lug the old body around. OOOh Gross!

>Then I geuss you can fuck

You only need a hand for that. It's just that someone elses hand is so
much more fun.

> Oops I'm insulting everyone again.
>I really am sorry. I talk like this too and often get in trouble. (with
>small minded losers)
>So Kill Me If I Have Actually Thoughts and Opinions

Yah yah yah. Just looks like fear to me.

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