HOMELESS PEOPLE'S NETWORK launches discussion list

Tom Boland (wgcp@earthlink.net)
Mon, 6 Oct 1997 13:29:21 -0700 (PDT)

sandy, the post I'd like on HPN is below.--tom

*Please FWD to currently and formerly homeless folks who might want to join us.*

NOTE: <wgcp@earthlink.net> is the HPN *SUB address.--Tom


Homeless People's Network started taking subscriptions Wednesday, October 1st.

I encourage folks who are CURRENTLY OR FORMERLY HOMELESS to subscribe to
HPN. Note that by subscribing, you attest that you fit the above
definition of being homeless.

As listowner, I aim for the group to create a direct voice (unfiltered by
others) for homeless people on issues affecting us. We need to speak for
outselves, not let others speak "for" us without our consent.

We have first hand experience on what does and doesn't work to end
homelessness. Let's send the world our messages about that.

HPN will not censor posts. Still, I encourage members to:
1) address how to end homelessness,
2) treat facts and theories fairly, (and)
3) write in a tone of personal respect.

With your help, HPN can become an active "homeless people's internet
caucus". The rich and powerful caucus constantly. It's time we did the

SUBSCRIBE to Homeless People's Network by emailing me (Tom Boland) at:


Leave the subject line blank, and in the text write

subscribe hpn <your email address>

In the next line, include the sentence:

"I affirm that I am currently or formerly homeless".

If you wish, add where you found out about HPN (for instance, this list).

Then I will subscribe you manually, and notify you of the address for
POSTING to HPN. I look forward to your views on the causes of
homelessness--and the solutions.

FYI about me: For the last decade, I've worked with squatters and homeless-run
groups in and near Boston. I was homeless for over two years.--Tom Boland

REMINDER; To SUB to HPN, e-mail <wgcp@earthlink.net>; don't reply to this list.

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