Six Up! was Re: OM Valley Feedback on last week #3

BoomBdBoom (
2 Oct 1997 16:18:23 GMT

Whoa Now! We are not the government. It's a lot different when most of
the individuals who hang out in the woods together say "could you just not
bring that thing in around us" and when the government says "sign it or go
to jail".

Also, I get this mental image of the Shanti Sana scene on the fourth with
guns. Shudder.

Montana Crystal
Http:// for musical instruments

In article <b052477802021004ba10.alt.gathering.rainbow@[]>, writes:

>At 1:31 AM 9/25/97, Vince Henri wrote:
>>I think the LEO was intentionally harrassing Rainbows. Like I've said in
>>an earlier post, right at this time there are hundreds of hunters camped
>>just a few miles from where I sit, in area where we have had a regional.
>>No LEO is going to walk into an area where a bunch of people have
>>down from Denver or somewhere, to camp and hunt together and start
>>picking things up HE decides is abandoned. That would be foolish and
>>a potentially dangerous move.
>Which brings up another question:
>Why is it that firearms are prohibited from gatherings?
>I certainly am not in 'consensus' about that!
>Actually I don't even own a firearm but it doesn't take much between the
>ears to recognize that the 2nd Amendment is just as important as the 1st.
>Maybe if rainbows were known, like hunters, to possibly defend themselves
>once in a while, the leo's would have more respect. Who knows?
>- Tom Paine

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