Climbing Guide Services
- San Juan Mountain Guides
- This is my friend, Mike O'Donnell's web site for San Juan Mountain
guides. These folks are the local experts to the Ouray/Telluride area
of the San Juan Mountains.
- Ouray Ice Festival
- This is actually a link to the annual Ouray Ice Climber's
Festival, but my friend Jeff Lowe does a highly recommended Master's
- Women's Climbing Adventures
- This is a women's only guiding company, run by a friend in
Boulder. She specializes in guiding and group instruction on rock, ice,
mountaineering and backcountry skiing.
Sarah Fritz
Women's Climbing Adventure
4164 Greenbriar Blvd.
Boulder, CO 80303
- The National Outdoor Leadership School. A good place to learn
outdoor skills. their instructors course is also very good.
- Outward Bound
- Outward Bound, a good place to learn about yourself, and have some
fun doing it.