Oh, our Father sky, see us walk in a
Sacred way. Oh, our Mother earth,
Here our sacred song.
Grandfather sun, light our Path on the
Sacred road. Grandmother moon, hear
our sacred song.
We your children have gathered here
[Heart]'s uniting us, is a song of Love inside.
In a sacred way we walk.
In a sacred way we stand.
The tree of Life again shall flower,
above this fertile land.
All these things shall ye be,
elder brothers sang to me.
All these things we are today,
as the future becomes the NOW.
Turn your gaze deep inside.
Sail upon a sea of living Light.
Turn your gaze deep inside.
Sail upon a sea of living Light.
Gm, F
These types of songs having many verses are ideal for picking out a verse that you especially like well. Often, the chorus to songs like these is fine for singing over and over again.
New Age Rainbow song affirming Oneness.
Rhythm & Bliss song slightly modified.