United States Forest Big Summit Ranger District
Department of Service 33700 Ochoco Ranger Station
Agriculture Prineville, OR 97754
File Code: 2720
Date: July 28, 1997
Rainbow Family of Living Light
Dear Rainbow Family Participants,
We are pleased with the cleanup and rehabilitation efforts
by the Rainbow Family volunteers following the 1997 Gathering
on the Big Summit Ranger District. Your commitment to caring for
the land was demonstrated by your thoroughness and attention to
detail and the District appreciates your hard work and cooperation
in meeting the resource objectives.
When the number of Rainbow Gathering participants rapidly
decreased from some 15,000 to about 500 between July 8 and July
15, kitchens and camps were dismantled and activity areas were
cleaned up very quickly. Garbage was centralized; recycling and
trash removal efforts were initiated and continued until completed.
Evidence of trails disappeared, water bars were constructed
where necessary, and slash was scattered. Rocks were effectively
dispersed from fire rings, circles, and ovens. Latrines, grey
water, and compost areas were backfilled, kitchen structures were
dismantled and little to no evidence remains of their locations.
Compacted areas, particularly around the kitchens, were spaded
and slashed and the heavy traffic areas around Welcome Home and
drum circles were reseeded. In many areas, vegetation was recovering
within two weeks following peak of the gathering. Fences were
spliced and repaired. Abandoned vehicles were identified and towing
was coordinated with the Forest Service and the Rainbow Family
Cleanup efforts and rehabilitation were thorough and occurred
mostly within two weeks following the peak of the gathering. Our
post-gathering walk-though inspections showed that the cleanup
volunteers were highly committed to completing the job.
Those of us on the Big Summit Ranger District appreciated
your excellent cooperation on the resource issues before, during
and after your gathering. Thanks again for your commitment to
cleanup and restoration of Indian Prairie.
(signed) Susan V. Skalski
District Ranger
Caring for the Land and Serving