United States Forest Tres Piedras P.0. Box 38
Department of Service Ranger District Tres Piedras, NM 87577
Agriculture (505) 758-8678
Fax: (505) 751-3290
TT/TDD: (505) 758-8678
File Code: 2300
Date: November 3, 1995
Rainbow Family
c/o Garrick Beck
930 Baca Street
Santa Fe,, NM 87501
Cleanup and rehabilitation efforts of the 1995 National Rainbow
Family gathering held on the Tres Piedras Ranger District of the
Carson National Forest have been completed and accepted. True
to their word, approximately 50 Rainbow Family members worked
steadily from July 7 to August 4 to complete the cleanup and rehab.
In general the site is recovering well. From July 7 to September
11 the site received over 7.27 inches of rainfall. Grass and other
vegetation is sprouting back in most areas. The only reseeding
occurred in Drum Circle of the Main Gathering area. As of this
date, major reseeding has not been necessary. Several of the heaviest
impact areas will continue to be monitored into next spring.
The Rehabilitation Plan specified several items as follows:
Trash and litter were cleaned up very well over the entire
area of the Gathering. Most trash was collected, separated and
recycled after July 4. Some trash was taken to local dumpsters
and over whelmed local trash facilities.
Fire rings, gray water pies, and latrines were covered up,
mixed with dirt, and rocks scattered to appear natural.
All structures including kitchens., ovens, pole frames, sweat
lodges, and shrines were dismantled and materials either scattered
or removed wood poles were left for use by others.
Highly compacted areas such as kitchens, trails, and Kiddie
Village were scarified, mulched, and waterbarred.
Three to four miles of new foot trails from Bus Village to
Main Gathering are one of the heaviest environmental impacts.
These trails were waterbarred mulched, and rocks and slash placed
across them. These trails are still visible on the hillsides,
have not fully recovered, especially on steeper slopes, and will
continue to be monitored.
Elk/cow trails that existed prior to the Gathering and new
trails to/from tent camping areas are doing well and reseeding
will not be necessary.
Structures along the Rio San Antonio including bridges, dam=,
swimming pools, mud baths, and pulley systems were all removed
and the river corridor looks natural.
All hardware from spring boxes, PVC pipe, plastic liners,
were removed. Spring depressions were left for as wildlife water.
All signs, markers, rock cairns, and painted trees were removed.
Cut fences and gates were repaired minimally. They were adequate
to turn livestock for the remainder of the season.
Specific area.
needing rehab were completed and accepted by August 4, 1995. These
included A-Camp, Forest Road 87V, Bus Village, A-Camp Welcome
Home, Teepee Circle, and Kiddie Village.
Rainbow Family members stated medical waste wan disposed of
Litter and debris such as mufflers, windshields, and other
car parts were picked up from a 15 mile stretch of Forest Road
Abandoned and broken down vehicles in Bus Village were finally
removed by August 4.
Bus Village road
was scarifed with a harrow sufficient to break up the compacted
soil surface. At first it appeared the scarification was inadequate,
but given ample rainfall the road and parking areas are recovering.
Native bunchgrass has resprouted even in the heavily compacted
areas. This is another of the heaviest in pact areas that will
continue to be monitored.
Kiddie Village, another heavy impact area, was packed with
hand tools and mulched with sapling/pole size slash. It was not
reseeded. Native grasses and forbs are recovering well. Reseeding
will not be necessary.
The optional watershed
project described in the Rehab plan was not completed.
Rainbow Family member" removed an old fence in the Main
Gathering area that posed a safety hazard. Barbed wire was rolled
up and posts pulled and stacked.
As a followup to
an earlier Tres Piedras community meeting an on-site field trip
was held on 7.22.95 to inspect the site after the Gathering and
check on the progress of the rehab efforts. It was attended by
a approximately 30 local residents and Rainbow Family members.
The consensus of the community was that the Rainbows had done
a good job of cleaning up. They also offered suggestions for future
1. Rainbow Family
needs to listen more than talk.
2. They should repay something back to communities
for all they took.
3. They should give future communities more
time to plan and prepare for Gathering.
The site of the 1995 Rainbow Gathering is recovering well
from the environmental effect. The social tensions generated from
the event wi11 take longer to heal.
In conclusion, the cleanup end rehab efforts were successful
due to close cooperation end a good working relationship between
the Rainbow Family rehab crew and Silver Rael, Tres Piedras RD
Rehab Coordinator
Forest Service estimates over 18,000 people attended the 1995
National Rainbow Family Gathering on the San Antonio River which
is a 50 percent increase over the 1994 Gathering. I am most thankful
that the event was relatively peaceful and without-mayor incident.
This has been an experience I will always remember.
(signed Daniel L. Rael)
District Forest Ranger
cc: L. Lucero, Forest Supervisor, Carson National Forest
cc: J. Hobbits, Incident Commander