This document below is the ROOT of the government's declaration of Rainbow Family being a group. This document was accepted into court as Exhibit A for the Forest Service, Texas 1988, in Magistrate Court, and was accepted as fact by Justice Justice. I testified pro se, in my own defense, against this document.
When it was shown to me, I realized that if I said it was false... it would be a test of perjury on the part of Michael John.
My reply was "I believe that Michael John believes this, but I don't believe it." (his beliefs versas mine)
I do not accept this document as valid in any way. I have spoken to some of the signators of the page attached to this document and most of it, except for portions of the paragraph 1. they were completely unfamiliar with it... and none I have spoken to agreed with "The Rainbow Family Tribal Council is the governing body of the Ramily Family Gathering", (as in some sort of government) or who made Michael John 'chief' or "fiduciary".
P.E.A.C.E. Village is a concept i introduced and sponsored and this had NOTHING in common with the concept "RAINBOW NATION" (which is nationalistic and exclusive in nature) excepting these concepts mingled among persons who attended Gatherings. Positive Energy Alternative Community Environments is what P.E.A.C.E. stands for...
Michael John, as far as I know, wasn't at Colorado 1972... but i don't care so much about that rap, persons can claim they were at Gatherings... no biggie...
This 'council" supposedly appointed Michae3l John or acknowledged him as 'Rainbow Pope' or "head priest"... AND keeper of the 'sacred cash"... other than 'fiduciary", Michael John IS "keeper of the council feathers (gavel), holy water, a conch shell which calls the council to meet,"
This same conch shell is mentioned in the Judge's Pennsylvania Opinion, as if the "Rainbow Guide" i.e. "Rainbow Nation directory", is the GOSPEL of the Rainbow.
Talk about 'power of attorney" being snatched from your grasp... All court decisions are based on the reference of Rainbow Tribal Council issuing this statement, in 1987, unbeknownst to all but a few persons, and Michael John. Forest Service regularily quotes this piece of paper...(dug from the files, thank you Attorney Brian Michaels, Eugene, Oregon).
This sad statement, unknown among thousands of people, perhaps millions worldwide, robbed from the individual people, who come to gatherings any semblance of independence or civil rights to be treated with due process as individuals. Since the introduction and acceptance of this document has come the regulation concerning 'designated signer", which the government wants the 'religious" "group" "Rainbow Family" complete with governing body, presided over by our "spiritual focalizer in the area of the healing arts". To accept any version of 'Rainbow Tribal Council" as 'decision-making" and binding on all attendees, is to accept this document as truth.NOT!
Barry, plunker, montana
Executed at Tapoco, North Carolina on July , 1987
(on seperate page is the signatures of 11 people - apparently the "Rainbow Tribal Council" who made this statement - for sure, not one of them i have spoken with concerning this was aware of the money scene nor the fact Michael John was being appointed "chief" etc.)