1988 Annual Gathering in Texas
- Excerpts from the 1988 Texas Case -
Part I
- Order. This excerpt details the fact that a Rainbow Gathering is
an "expressive" activity, and deserves protection under the
first admendment.
- Excerpts from the 1988 Texas Case -
Part II
- Memorandom Opinion. This excerpt details the hostility of the
Forest Service to the Rainbow Family, and that there was no reason for
the regs because the Rainbow Family clean up after they leave, and
maintain a safe and healthy site.
- The 1988 Texas Case Decision
- This is the final judge's decision about the 1988 Texas
Gathering. This gathering was "illegal" under the
previous attempt by the Forest Service to regulate us. We won in
court, and the gathering went on.
- Paper Chief of the Rainbow Family
- This is a document used by the Forest Service to "prove" we are an
unincorporated organization, with a decision making body, and a
leader, Michael John. This supposed council consensus is not
real. Rainbow has no leaders!
- Reply: Paper Chief of the Rainbow Family
- This is a reply Barry Plunker wrote, who was involved in that
trial, and denied the accuracy of this supposed council consensus.
- MJ's Reply: Paper Chief of the Rainbow Family
- This is Michael John's response about this recently unearthed
document, where he denies it is an "official Rainbow Council