To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark: Aug 25,96 3:48 PM
Subject: Sunday August 25th
Message: The Command Post is in-place with Mark Engman on the radio. John Schultz and myself visited with the group to ascertain the "circle's'" consensus on the signing of the operating plan. We were successful in obtaining signatures. The group is friendly and growing by the day. Probably about 250-300 right now, 1,000 by Monday night. we had Jack McLaughlin, Archy, Ava Linguist and Scot Reitz out Saturday to start the NEPA process. Specialist involvement will probably be a continuing thing. We had a shooting incident Saturday night, no injuries, locals mad because they could not target (?) shoot in the pit being used as the "bus village". LE will be gearing up to 4 by Tuesday. I'm sure with the more hard-core family members arriving in the next 48 hours, the complexion of the cooperative communications may change, but are good now. Lenore, IC
To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark: Aug 26,96 6 57 PM
subject: Monday August 26, 1996
Message: At 1245 we had the first briefing at the Command Post. Three reps from PSP were present, a Warren Co. Sheriff blew in and out did not stay for the meeting. Kathe Frank, Marks Goebl and Engman, Scott Reitz, Jack McLaughlin, Bob Crawford, Mike Horning and myself were there. This is the core group. We discussed what the intent of the daily visits into the gathering area will be as well as the schedules and assignments for the LE. The group seemed to be familiar enough with these gatherings and I think we will all work well together. I went in with Jack and Amy to GPS the impacts to the arch sites. They will be in tomorrow also. I will go in with Scott to assess the other resources. They have blocked the creek in a few places. Their attitude toward our presence is still positive. They were upset with the camera, I assured them it was just to document resources, they backed down. I will pursue the application tomorrow. I saw Joseff only today. Talked with an LE coming from Michigan tonight, he will be reporting to work on Thursday morning. Lenore
To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark: Aug 27,96 6:55 PM
Subject: Rainbow
Message: Jack and Amy continued to document the impacts to the heritage site. He indicated they would probably not go in again until after the event. Ava Turnquist and I checked the water sources and latrines. The original water source is going to be a concern regarding supply and impacts to the seep area. The deer exclusion fence outside the pit that is known as Bus Village has been tampered with, passed on to the 'elders' that this is not acceptable and that they are to leave it alone. Talked with Joseff and Bill about the need for a signed application and permit. They said George Washington blocked it. Joseff said if he could he'd sign the damn thing and get it over with. Saw my first bare rearend. He did cover himself quickly though. Towed the truck that had driven down a blocked and signed road. Things still peaceful!. Main body to appear by the weekend. Lenore
To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark: Aug 28,96 4:20 PM
Subject: Rainbow
Mark Goebl accompanied me on the review of the area. He had a letter from Ranger Schultz regarding the need to sign the application and permit. Mark got the usual line. It's our forest and we can't sign without consensus, etc. Other than that, we checked the water source for the SunDog kitchen and did a few other maintenance things. We had a couple of vehicles driving an old skid trail to deliver food. LE dealt with that. Attitude is still positive and friendly. I will be in tomorrow with Scott Reitz to check the SunDog and Morning Star kitchens and some of the other routes of ingress/egress. Lenore
To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark: Aug 29,96 7:41 PM
Subject: Rainbow
Message: Ava Turnquist, Jack McLaughlin and my self spent the afternoon continuing the assessment of resource impacts. Came across the reporter from the DuBois paper, did not spend time conversing, she did make a note that we were there and why. Two off-forest LE came on duty. Officer Burd, who is coordinating that effort, requested that I talk with the "apparent" leaders (Bill Baxter and Joseff Greenfeather) for a peaceful dialogue. Joseff did and was cited. Joseff also gave me a written response to Ranger Schultz's letter, conveying the usual company line. Car count and person count is continuing to grow, believe Officer Burd said 137 vehicles. There is a more radical element with the new comers. Vehicle stops picked up this evening. Attitude toward me and the resource folks is still friendly. Lenore
To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark Aug 30,96 6:34 PM
Subject: Rainbow
Message: LE and coop LE did traffic stops last night. We did cite Bill Baxter. Both him and Joseff Greenfeather signed the notice to appear on the violation notice. After talking with a few of the "leaders" we saw that the deer exclusion fence was somewhat repaired. The spring sumps are being covered. Ranger Schultz and Jack McLaughlin went in to pick up the bottle and crockery pieces that the "shaman" said were trash are far as he was concerned. They were manmade. We are running into some family members who are appealing our EA's. I think one in particular has us confused with the Allegheny State Park in New York. We try to enlighten them without engaging in a highly political dialogue. We keep pulling them back to the land and leaving the political stuff to the higher ups. Jack and John said things were mellow within the main part of the gathering area. Lenore
To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark: Aug 31,96 6:22 PM
Subject: Rainbow
Message: Vehicle count on Friday night was 230. The Warren newspaper ran the article about the gathering so there were quite a few locals in and among the group today. I started taking pictures of areas that will need some rehab. Mostly the North Country National Scenic Trail. The water sources are holding up, impacts to the banks and channels is confined to the draw location. Bill was very much out of sight, a number of family members are upset with him for not scouting the area better. Joseff was upset with me for the citation Officer Burd issued him. He said he was not a leader, just an organizer and that I would be subpoenaed, etc. He was not hostile, just upset. Everyone else was mellow. Talked with a number of locals. The Sheriff did a number of traffic stops yesterday evening. I do not plan to go in tomorrow but will be present around the area. Lenore
To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark: Sep 01,96 4:10 PM
Subject: Rainbow
Message: Vehicle count last night was 261, which we figure are around 1,044 plus. The number of dogs in the area is about 30 to 40. They are keeping things cleaned up after them though. I did not go in today, but rode with Officer Burd for a while. It appears that quite a few pulled out this morning. The locals are still visiting. A few hikers on the NCT had a bit of a shock. Things were quiet most of the day. Will be in with other resource personnel tomorrow lining out restoration work. Lenore
To: Gathering
From: Lenore Crippa
Postmark: Sep 02,96 6:01 PM
Subject: Rainbow
Message: Ava Turnquist, Scott Reitz and myself travelled through the area, flagging waterbars on the North Country Trail and noting other work that will need to be done. Talked with family members along the way as to what we expected them to do. They seemed very willing to cooperate. A few members indicated they would see me in court. Bill Baxter came out of the woodwork and we talked for a while, he plans on appearing. There were 187 vehicles as of 11:30 this morning, Officer Crawford said most of those were on the long term parking road and were being packed up. "A" camp was a little hostile as we left the area, others quieted them down. We appreciate the professional manner in which all the LE's conducted themselves, this includes the cooperating agencies. The command post will be dismantled at the end of the shift at 2000 hours. This is the last message from the IC. "Welcome home, we love you and be one with your oatmeal". Lenore