401 Fairgrounds Road
Rolla, MO. 65401
By Order of the Forest Supervisor. Mark Twain Notional Forest, pursuant to the authority set forth in the act of June 4, 1097. as amended (16 USC 551), and the
provisions of 36 CFR 261.50 of the Secretary of Agriculture's Rules and
Regulations, motor vehicles or other vehicles may be operated on open Forest
Roads. And designated ATV trails on the Mark Twain National Forest as long as such
vehicles are operated in compliance with State laws except that motor vehicle or
other vehicle use or possession is prohibited on the following roads, trails, and
areas on the Mark Twain National Forest.
1. Those roads or trails and former roads or trails having a physical
barrier such as a gate, berm of earth, trench, post, or other devise
that would dircourage passage by a motor vehicle or other vehicle
(36 CFR 261.54(c.) and (36 CFR 261.55(a)).
2. ALL roads and trails posted as closed to motor vehicle or other vehicle
use by a sign or symbol (36 CFR 261.54(e) and (36 CFR 261.55(4)),
3. Any location of a former road or trail that does not now have a clearly
defined passageway or clearing suitable for motor vehicle or other
vehicle traffic commonly referred to as "crown up" road or trail
(36 CFR 2615.54(c) and (36 CFR 261.55(a)).
4. motor vehicle use is prohibited in chosen areas designated 6.1 management prescription areas, wilderness, Eleven point Scenic River zone, and Sinkin Experimcntnl Forest, in the Mark Twain National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan published in 1966 (36 CFR 261.54(c) 36 CFR 262.16(a), 36 CFR 261.55(a), and 36 CFR 261.56).
In addition the following regulations and definitions apply to this order.
1. On trails where motor vehicle or other vehicle use is authorized,
vehicles over 65 inches in width are prohibited (36 CFR 261.55(5)).
2. All off road, off trail, cross country, all streambed travel. except at
road or trail stream crosing locations, by motor vehicle or mountain
bikes is prohibited (36 CFR 261.56).
3. Motor vehicle use or possession is prohibited on trails not designated
for motor vehicle use (36 CFR 261.55(b)).
4. bicycle or mountain bike use or possession or trails is prohibited where
posted (36 CFR 261.55(b)).
5. Operating or possessing a motor vehicle within the boundaries of the
Mark Twain National Forest while in violation of Missouri state vehicle
laws is prohibited (36 CFR 261.54(d)).
6. possessing or using a wagon or other vehicle within the boundaries of a designed wilderness area is prohibited (36 CFR 261.57(h).
For the purpose of this order:
'Motor Vehicle" means any vehicle which is self-propelled or any vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from batteries, but not operated on rails.
"Vehicle" means any device in, upon, or by which any person or property is at may be transported, including any frame, chassis, or body of any motor vehicle
except devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
"Road" means a road wholly or partly within or adjacent to and servicing a part of the National Forest System and which has been included in the Forest Development Road System plan.
"Trail" means a trail wholly or partly within or adjacent to and servicing a pert
of tire National Forest System and which has been included in the Forest
Development Trail System plan.
Nothing in this order shall be construed as: (1) restricting use of emergency
vehicles for protection of life or property: (2) restricting the legally
established rights of access to owners or losses of adjoining private property;
(3) restricting use of vehicles by the Forest Service or its agents, permittees,
or contractors in conduct of official business.
Violations of the conditions and prohibitions of this order are punishable by 4
fine of not more than $500, imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or
This order supersedes the Forest Supervisor's order of October 5th. 1987.
Dated this 9th day of March 1989.
Forest Supervisor
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