Chesapeake Bay Bioregion

Hi Family!

You have some new brothers and sisters. We are the Kitschi Peek Tribe (P.O. Box 8088, Norfolk VA 23503) and are from the southern side of Chesapeake Bay. Kitschi Peek, meaning Big Salty Pond, was what the red people called this area. That slowly changed to Chesapeake Bay.

We've had lots of monthly potlucks and two weekend drum circles on the beach. Most of us have not been to a gathering but do feel very drawn. Breaking away from Babylon takes time but we are working on it. We seem to be becoming a city family that works with local problems and having local fun.

We were honored to be asked to help with the first `Inner Peace Gathering.' Weekly on-the-beach and on-the-boardwalk drumming has been happening as an off shoot of our spirit.

We are still young. We hear your hopes and wishes for a beach gathering. We want one too. Scouting has produced nothing in this immediate area. We are now looking at an island gathering. I think we can do it. Do you know a kindred spirit with a big boat? (It needs to be between Sept. and May to avoid the insect people.)

Loving, hugging and missing you,
Uncle Bill

Inner Peace Day, April 27, 1996: A Retrospective

The first Inner Peace Gathering has taken place. Why? To create a time and a space to explore/celebrate inner peace, to act as a forum and give the spotlight to tools, ways and means, that lead to inner peace. A committee of interested individuals took the ball and moved forward with it after a Conference on Peace at the A.R.E. (Association for Research & Enlightenment) last August served as a springboard for such a movement. You might also call Peace Pilgrim our patron saint.

The day started out chilly and windy- the winds of change, perhaps? The Inner Peace People, as the committee calls itself, showed up in shifts to handle their appointed tasks. There was an aura of peace already. The focal point was the refreshment stand called Uncle Bill's Tea Emporium. There were free refreshments for all, hot soup, coffee, and they did serve tea too which went over well on a blustery day.

The day's activities began with Sufi Dancing, moving about helped keep warm in the morning hours. A Course in Miracles was the next event and members of that group read aloud passages that moved them and inspired peace. As the day warmed up, an Astrological talk was given at a sunny picnic table which drew a nice gathering. Simultaneously, a message chair was set up to give folks a chair massage. Who wouldn't feel peaceful after that?

As the day progressed the group got into some Spiritual Dancing. It seems that this group enjoys dancing- cool! Next a Yoga class flowed for any interested participants. That peaceful energy was palpable. Some body work was available too: Ortho Bionomy and Rolfing. A storyteller arrived in the late afternoon and drew tears from her audience with her poignant tales. Throughout the day you could hear a strolling singer/guitarist serenade you with her original soulful tunes, see beautiful original art work or blow giant bubbles if you chose. Oh, and don't forget the Hug Passes, they were the most fun of all. There was an Earth Day information booth, with helpful ideas on how to love the earth and be at peace with it. The sunshine, smiles, cheerful attitudes, informality and flexibility of the crew all served to make that peaceful feeling.

The day drew to a close with an improv drumming circle attracting passersby, the group energy nourished individuals with their songs and drumming. Was it a success out there at Princess Ann Park? A resounding YES! Why? People of all ages and ethnic backgrounds came and they were touched in a very special way and that's the beginning of a change in consciousness. A peaceful day, a peaceful space was achieved. More will be revealed. Look for the Inner Peace People to produce another event this fall. This is just the beginning.

`Ani Crane and the Inner Peace People

P.S. We thank the Rainbow People and especially Ed Robinson and Bill LeTempt for volunteering to help. Your energy, enthusiasm, and dedication in offering assistance truly contributed to the success of this day! Each month the Inner Peace People walk for peace. For more information contact Robert at 804/463-2112.

Inner Peace People Statement of Purpose:

We are a non-profit, non-commercial, non-political group of people who are walking for Inner Peace as a continuation of our planning program for the first Virginia Beach `Inner Peace Day' Festival.

Our purpose is to produce an event that facilitates ways and means of achieving, experiencing and sharing inner Peace, and carrying that Inner Peace outward from ourselves, to our family and friends and to the community at large.

We welcome all peoples to walk with us in the spirit of Peace, Love and Fellowship.

Inner Peace People
P.O. Box 62671
Virginia Beach VA 23466-2671