Rainbow Music
I don't know about everyone else out there, but I love the music I
hear at Rainbow Gatherings. For many years, there was no way I could
get the same musical fun anywhere else... Now there are several
commerical and uncommercial sites with Rainbow Music on them. Some
have been recorded at Rainbow Gatherings, and some are studio
recordings done by people that also play alot at gatherings.
- Savannah Skye
- Skye has some Rainbow Songs and poetry.
- Rainbow Music
- This is a page dedicated to collecting, and hopefully distributing
via Real Audio, music that's sung chanted, or played at Rainbow
- Music
from the Campfires by Hawker
- 1998 Arizona Gathering music recordings.
- Rainbow
Spirit Video
- This is an online "sampled" version of the Rainbow Spirit music
video. It's a stream, but runs more like a slide show than a video.
- Rainbow Spirit
Sound track
- This is a realplayer audio stream of the soundtrack to Rainbow
Spirit video.
- Circle
of Life by
- "NEW!!!" This1998 EarthBeat! Records release is a collection of
"Rainbow Family" folks. Reminiscent of sitting around campfires
together and making some of the most incredible music, this collection
is one of a kind and includes many precious gems. It includes a very
organic version of "It's A Miracle" with lots of percussion, bass, and
a whole choir singing along! Alice participates on many of the songs
and feels that the song "Keeping the Peace" is alone worth the price
of the album!
- FBI Records by
- Sue Jeffers is a folk artist from Kent, OH. In addition to having
an FBI record She has written over 60 songs released by FBI Records
and has been performing across the country for the past 10 years. She
is currently working on a new release which should be available in
September titled "One Man's Ceiling is Just Another One's Door".
- Chicago Rainbow Connection
- This is a Rainbow page for folks in Chicago. It also has some
Rainbow mp3s from the Idaho gathering.