As always, no one person is qualified to speak for the Family and there is a tradition that any contacts with the authorities have at least two family members present, so that one may act as a "fair witness". We are all "liaisons" for the council, and anything we say or do for the Family is subject to the approval of the council.
A common request from the authorities is that we post a performance bond. This is something we have never done, since it constitutes requiring insurance to go to church. The Family holds that Rainbow is not a sue-able entity, or is even a legal entity at all - judges aren't too hot on this idea. A good model to cite might be the Mennonite community in Pennsylvania, which conscientiously objects to having auto insurance, which is mandatory in PA. They have a deal with the government whereby they simply pledge, as a community, to make good on any liabilities incurred. Rainbow has a spotless record on making good on liabilities.