Howdy Folks!
Colorado 95 Fall Equinox Regional
Sept 20 - 24
The Colorado Rainbow Family invites Brothers and Sisters of Love and
Light, friends of Nature, and all People to gather at Lower Salt Cabin
Park in the Roosevelt National Forest from Sept 20-24 to celebrate the
Fall Equinox and our connection to Mother Earth. This is a Spiritual
event that is free and noncommercial and open to All People. This is
an experience in cooperative Living without leaders. Decisions are
made in Council bu Consensus. Participation is the key.
From Fort Collins take 287 North about 10 miles to Highway 14. (Poudre
Canyon Rd). Follow highway 14 for 26.2 miles (past Poudre Park and
Mishawaka Inn) to Pingre Park Rd. (County rd 63E) Left on CR 63E.
(bridge-dirt rd) Go 4.2 miles to sign for Brown's Lake/Zimmerman. Go
right onto FSR 139 (Crown Point). Go 1.5 miles to FSR 259 (Lower Salt
Cabin Park). Go right on FSR 259. Go 0.7 miles to gate.
Cameron Pass Laramie, Wym (55m)
+---+ |
/ \ | <-Rt 287
Poudre Canyon | | |
35m ----------- Hwy 14 --------+--+ +--+ +------+-+ ^
| \_/ \ |
XXX / \ | <- I-25
Gate->\ / | |
\<- FSR 259 / +--+
| / |
--------+------------+ |
FSR 139 (1.5m) |
- Bulk Food (to help stock our communal kitchen)
- Large Pots and pans for kitchen
- Warm clothes (8000 ft, cold nights)
- Bowl and spoon.
- Musical instruments
- Tools for digging and cutting wood
- Tarps, etc, etc...
- Weapons
- Alcohol
- Attitudes