Fall 1993 Focalizers Quarterly Mailing

This is almost the entire copy of the mailing, assuming I can type this in all at once. The only item not included is directions to the Thankgiving Council, as it is no longer needed. Excuse the typos, if any, I'm on a large dose of caffeine. (I'm not proofreading something this big!)FQM was sent by Mark McCracken, 3015 NE Broadway, Portland, Oregon, 97232. If anyone disagrees with my decision to post this freely, write. Peace Without Borders, Sarah.

Compiled and mailed by volunteers from the Focalizer Council, which was held on the land in the Talladega National Forest in Alabama, July 5 and 6, 1993.

Sending out and FQM to the Rainbow Family Focalizers has been a relatively new accomplishment. A request for an updated mailing list reached consensus at the 1992 Focalizers Council in Colorado. Petros facilitated the creation of the current list, which has been updated with a few additional names and changes of address. This year's council began on the 5th, and focused on the GUIDE, which will continue to come from the combined efforts of Ric, Duane, and a host of folks in Madison, WI, and the passing on of ALL WAYS FREE publication from Carla and the crew in Eugene OR, to Maverick in Warrens WI. Combining agendas related to networking, during two days of counciling does provide an opportunity for different energies to come together and share visions, express needs, and reach consensus on issues that will help direct the flow of endeavors taken on by volunteers of the Rainbow Family.

There was a message from Legaliaison Council, that there be unity with emphasis on togetherness in thought and practice, lest the strength in our coming together as One in Spirit and respect be threatened or compromised.

The Council Process works better than decisions made by individuals. Each person is encouraged to bring issues to Family Council rather than taking on personal responsibility for decisions that affect the Rainbow Family of Living Light.

The following topics were discussed during Council, taken from notes by Mark-en [Mark McCracken].

REGIONALS: March and September Gatherings work well for those who need all their energy for the National. For some areas, Summer Solstice Gatherings give an opportunity for sending folks off to the National. Regions vary in how this works. Guidelines on what constitute a Regional were as asked for [also asked for?-Sarah]. Folks from Regions put events together, and are responsible to let the Family in their area know of Councils. This includes netwoking to the Region 16 Brothers and Sisters also. Namdic Tribes and Road Energy know how to gather. They need a landing zone. Call for a Council, invite veryone. Set up guidelines, using agendas and priorities for not only Regionals, but also for potlucks, weekend events, benefits, etc.

It is the consensus of this Council that the best efforts be made to notify both local and nomadic Family of planning councils and Gatherings. The better gatherings are counciled and well planned. (You may wish to refer to the November 1992 FQM, which has a list of 5 important definitions of what is sacred to insuring a Peace and Healing event.) It is the consensus of this Council that there is a lack of environmental responsibility to have Regional Gatherings on the same site two years in a row.

NETWORKING: Local mailing expenses should, and does, support itself. Pass the Magic Hat at potlucks, hold benefits, yard sales, etc. Adresses of folks writing in for information could be referred to their local focalizers. It was suggested to focalize "FROM THE ELECTRONIC REALM TO THE NON-COMPUTERIZED REALM." [My capitals to attract the attention of those just skimming this letter-Sarah]. A brother in Colorado volunteered to pass on information to the knowledgable, and to those who are new to the use of computer access equipment and programs. CONTACT: ROB, PO BOX 1006, NEDERLAND, CO 80466, or call (303)258-0506.

"Know and name your sources, Check All Rumors" is encouraged. E-mail addresses are an individual's private account. WORDS OTHER THAN "RAINBOW" SHOULD BE USED WHEN UTILIZING THIS FORM OF COMMUNICATION; CONSENSED. [Again my caps-Sarah]

Potlucks and drum circles have become popular in may areas, with weekly or monthly scheduled events. Sens out messages with Love and Light, help bring the Family Home.

A reminder was brought to council, that mailing lists in Rainbow are for non-commercial use, and are intended to be for Family communication: Consensed.

FOCALIZER MAILING: Three Focalizer Quarterly Mailings are proposed, using PO mail as well as E-mail. Volunteers are Sunbear, Duane (GUIDE), Martha-Gail (legaliaison) Chicken (E-mail), and Mark-en. [This mailing is my individual choice, with a "thanks" form Mark-en -Sarah]. The need for donations to fund the first mailing was brought to the Council. The Magic Hat was passed and $30.70 was given. A focalizer Banking Council was consensed, consisting off the following: Susan Songbird, Leslie Peaceeagle, David Ganesh, and Mark-en. If there additional funds that can be freely donated to help support the effort, they may be sent to: FOCALIZER BANK, c/o MARK MCCRACKEN (Mark-en), 3015 NE Broadway, Portland, OR 97232.

The current FQM list includes 90 folks in the US, and 35 Sisters and Brothers in other countries. Postage for each mailing will be about $55.00. All that are sent outside the US need to be enclosed in an envelope. Printing expenses also need to be met. Focalizers who do not wish to be listed in the GUIDE, but would like to receive a FQM, need to contact Duane and the GUIDE crew. Be explicit in your request. PEACE AND LOVE

Stuart Watts has been a focalizer at CALM for many years, and is interested in water filtration systems. He has expressed a desire to spen fis Rainbow Time in the facilitation of a unit(s) that will filter water down to 0.5 microns or less. Anyone who has input into this endeavor, or wishes to comment on whether a system be cenralized or decentralized, is encourage to contact Stuart. He holds the bank for this project, and at the present time, $500 is needed to bring the balance up to $3000, which will ensure a gift of an additional $1000. Write to: STUART WATTS, 4105 S FIRST ST, AUSTIN, TX 78745.
The current address for contacting the folks at ALL WAYS FREE is RT 2, BOX 84, WARRENS, WI 54666-9802. The 1993 publication of ALL WAYS FREE has an "out of pocket" deficit of $800 at this time. Donations may be sent to CARLA NEWBRE, PO BOX 24715, EUGENE, OR 97402.
Publicomments pertaining to the proposed Forest Service amendments 36 CFR 251 & 261 are now being reviewed by Jim Lyons, Assistant Secretary for Natural Resources and the Environment, DEPT OF AGRICULTURE, RM 217E, 14TH & INDEPENDENCE SW, WASHINGTON DC 20250.
Legaliaison Update, October 3, 1993

Dear Family,

At the Legaliaison Council at the Alabama Gathering, it was consensed 
that the geographical focal point of the Legaliaison would change from 
Washington, DC to East Texas.  Martha-Gail agreed to coordinate the 
functions of the new office.  After and orientation be the regional 
volunteers in DC, Martha-Gail put the files in order, made duplicate 
sets, and is now back in Texas with the new office up and running.

The purpose of the legaliaison office is to  serve as the communications 
hub for the ongoing, Family-wide effort to retain our right to Gather 
without the chilling effect that would be imposed by the proposaed Forest 
Service amendment to 36 CFR 251 & 261 -- which would require application 
for a "special use authorization" (also known as "permit") from ALL non 
commercial groups of people seeking to assemble.  The traditional 
position of the Rainbow Family is that the First Amendment to the United 
States Constitution IS our permit to gather.  This cannot be 
compromised.  This must not be negotiated.

The status of the revised regulation is currently in limbo.  The 90-day 
public comment period has passed, and theoretically the Forest Service is 
reviewing public input before formulating a final ruling.  Newly amended 
regulations could be implemented at any time.

It appears that there may still be some hope to derail the regs if we 
each, as individual citizens, contact our respective congressional 
representatives.  Education and outreach to other potential National 
Forest user groups might also be effective.  One suggestion you can make 
to people who are in support of squelching the regulations is that they 
contact Assistant Secretary of Agriculture with their comments.  
Additional strategies were discussed at the Legaliaison Council in 
Alabama and appear on the following page.

The Legaliaison group is preparing a concise informational packet on this 
whole subject.  Suggestions on other possible courses of action are 
welcome.  If you have any additional input, or wish to participate in any 
way; or if you would like further information, please contact the address 
below.  Working as individuals, we CAN make a difference.  Working 
together as a whole, who knows what we might come up with in our endeavor 
to preserve basic rights!

(409)564-4229 (message only)

As is the case with all family service, donations (stamps, envelopes, 
office supplies, green energy, etc.) are helpful in keeping the flame 
burning.  Every little bit helps.

Love and Light, Carla (a legaliaison volunteer)
Please copy and distribute freely.

The strategies outlined here are those that were dicussed and supported during the Rainbow Gathering legaliaison councils in the Talladega National Forest July, 1993. Each of them is meant only as a suggestion, a pointer in the direction of what might be done by independent people or public action groups to help preserve the rights of peacable assemby on public forest lands.

WRITE THE DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE: Currently this issue is being reviewed by the Agriculture Department because the Secretary of Agriculture has to sign the new regs before they can go into effect. The have received a lot of objection already but this is probably the key place where we can let our voices be heard right now. The US Forest Servic, which is sponsoring the new reglations, is under the supervision of the Agriculture Department. The office to contact there (phone, fax, or write) is:

Jim Lyons, Asst. Secretary For Natural Resources And The Environment, Department Of Agriculture, RM217E, 14TH & Independence SW, Washington DC, 20250

WRITE YOUR LOCAL CONGRESSPERSON: Contact them at their home offices so they know this is of concern to their own constituents. Voice your objections to the proposed regulations. Ask them to contact the Agriculture Departmant to prevent these unconstitutional, unenforceable, and unaffordable regulations from taking effect.

OUTREACH TO OTHER USER GROUPS: Notify other groups of people or organizations in your own areas who use the national forests for free assembly or free events, picnic, educational purposes, prayer or meditations, etc., to alert them to the enormous obstruction these regs would cause their own group. Give them copies of these outlines and notices. Encourage them to take what actions they feel are appropriate.

MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS: Speak with your local news crews, talk radio hosts, newspaper columnists. Let them know how you feel and that this is an issue that affects each and every citizen.

REQUEST PUBLIC HEARINGS: Find a forum in your area for this issue to be debated and discussed. Invite local officials, invite the Forest Service, invite the media. Serve tea and cookies.

GATHER PETITIONS: Create a petition form that suits your local region and expresses your ideas clearly. Circulate it as widely as possible. Send copies to local officials, newspaper editors and the Department of Agriculture.

PREPARE BRIEFS IN OBJECTION TO THE PROPOSED RULES: With the local public land use advocates map out legal defenses with case law back-up to be ready for use if the regulations are put into effect.

PLAN DIRECT ACTIONS: Plan peaceful assemblies as protests on public forest lands to take place if the regs are put into effect. Be prepared to defend your right to gather. If it appears that your local action may lead to a legal challenge, stay in close touch with the Legaliaison Office in Texas. WORKING TOGETHER IS THE KEY.

CONTACT YOUR LOCAL RAINBOW FOCALIZER: If you don't know who this is, contact Rainbow Legaliaison, 3029 Woden Rd Office, Nacodoches, Texas 75961 (409)569-8693

Letter to FQM from Gonzo, Great Lakes Rainbow, Box 3433, Ann Arbor MI 48106-3433

For some reason, The Michigan Rainbow Family has recently been named as a rebel band of Rainbows who are advocated a renegade "Turtle Island" Gathering in Wisconsin in 1994. Seeing as it was unclear who, if anybody, in Michigan was involved with this, a council was called at the recent very fine Michigan Regional to address this issue. The following letter to the Wisconsin family, who had requested clarification of our intentions and support of their desire for the 1995 Gathering, was approved by consensus of the council (roughly 20 people present at consensus call).

Incidently, our brother bill-i was mentioned by name in at least two pieces of written information as an instigator of the movement for a Wisconsin 1994 Gathering. In the council bill-i as the first to speak strongly stated his desire for a united family and his intention to be with the Family in Wyoming. Though not present at consensus, he was totally approving of this letter to Wiscinsin when it was read to him later. Here is the letter as approved by council--

I was empowered to be the one to mail the letter, and so here I am.

Love and peace to you all--Gonzo--


Yikes, I'm warped after typing all this. This is not an official publication of the Rainbow Family (what is?), and this entry to alt.gathering.rainbow is purely my own decision. --Sarah