November 1996
Thanksgiving dinner Thursday night. Friday morning, the children opened the council with stories and songs. Next, introductions, stories, and heartsongs. Brief history about the Rainbow Farm (also site of Thanksgiving Council 1979).
It was proposed that the very first consensus be, to re-affirm the spiritual nature of the gathering.
Consensus #1: Thanksgiving Council affirms the spiritual nature of the gathering.
Some discussion about related issues: the primary expression of our spirituality being the silent prayer for peace on July 4th; and concern that the spiritual nature is being violated by people engaged in commercial activities.
Consensus #2: Contact address (office) for the upcoming gathering…
Note: If you would like a reply BEFORE the Howdy-Folks (map) are mailed out next Spring, please include a SASE (self-addressed-stamped-envelope). Donations of stamps, phone card credits, and green energy are also helpful. Checks and money orders can be made payable to "Rainbow '97." If you want your contribution to the Magic Hat to go to something specific (e.g., scouts, office expenses, medical supplies, water pipe, hardware for seed camp, etc.), please say so.
There is no phone or e-mail contact for the Rainbow '97 office at this time.
Consensus #3: An Office crew was established to respond to Rainbow '97 mail and help focus early preparations for the gathering.
Nine people volunteered to help. Others who wish to join in are welcome.
Consensus #4: An interim banking council was established.
Outline of procedures: Accountability will be supported by keeping receipts and detailed books; no reimbursements should be expected without prior approval from the banking council; at least two people should be present when opening mail; all donations will be turned over to the bank, with any funds earmarked for specific things duly noted. The banking Council will attempt to reflect the needs and wants of the family as a whole and will endeavor to avoid personal agendas in allocating funds. Duties will pass to next banking council when it reforms at Spring Council.
Consensus #5: Have more fun.
This came about through various heartsongs that we focus on doing more theater, perhaps have an entertainment camp; have bands, drumming, and a cookie kitchen at the front gate; and generally to lighten up.
Consensus #6: Scout rendezvous date - May 1
Initial scout rendezvous will take place by the waterfall at Riverfront Park in downtown Spokane. People wishing to participate in scouting can contact the office to find out how to get in touch with the person coordinating scout communications.
Consensus #7: Spring Council date: the weekend of June 6.
The "purpose" of Spring Council was a lengthy discussion. It was generally agreed that:
Consensus #8: The site of Spring Council '97 will be determined and announced by the office in communication with the scouts and others.
Consensus #9: Seed Camp begins on the day that we move onto the site of the '97 gathering. Any early encampments are self-supporting. We encourage our brothers and sisters who arrive early in preparation for the gathering to take care of each other and the land in the spirit of the Rainbow vision.
This consensus came about after a long discussion expressing various concerns about the "holding camps" that have appeared in recent years prior to the actual gathering. There was a strong feeling to raise consciousness among early arrivals about the purpose of Seed Camp and Set-up, and a desire to promote self-sufficiency.
Consensus #10: Thanksgiving Council re-affirms the non-commercial nature of the ENTIRE Gathering. We ask that people not buy, sell, or profit in any way, especially from our sacraments. We support giving and sharing from our hearts.
The All Ways Free Council recently met and scheduled a Winter issue. Anyone with items for the Calendar of Events should submit entries by late-January.
Also, any submissions for the summer issue are welcome - especially artwork, jokes, and songs.. Send all articles and calendar entries to…
A banking report from Rainbow '96 was given. Consistent with previous agreements not to publish banking business on the net, details will not be published on the net, but will appear in hard-copy Thanksgiving Council notes. These will be available in the All Ways Free and from the Rainbow '97 office (please include SASE with request).Thanks were conveyed to the recycling and clean-up crew who did such a wonderful job in Missouri.
It seems that many people have asked council attendees which state was decided on, Washington or Oregon. Actually, it never came up for discussion. As we all understood the decision of Vision Council, both states were included because no one was sure if an adequate site could be found if only one state were available for scouting. Nor were there any discussions or assumptions about which state the gathering would end up in. It just seemed to be taken as a matter of course that the scouting expeditions and the Spirit will reveal the best site for us to go to, and it doesn't really matter which state it's in.
Heartsongs, Visions, and Other Matters
In addition to the above business matters and consensus, many offerings were made to the group, and folks discussed their fondest wishes. There was no formal consensus to the following items, but much support for many of them.
A major discussion centered around the strong desire to implement & support a Cooperation's Camp. It was noted that in years past, a Cooperation's Lodge staffed 24 hours a day was available to help facilitate the day-to-day operations of the gathering, being a central clearinghouse for communication, crisis management, Shanti Sena matters, issues around law enforcement, information about areas of the gathering that need more volunteer help, and other such logistical needs of "doing" a gathering.
It was noted that the functions of Cooperation's do, indeed, continue whether or not there is a designated area for it, but that it has been very difficult lately for most people to identify where they can go if they want to help plug in. In recent years, these functions have been scattered all through the gathering, giving rise to sketchy communication, a less than comprehensive response to both routine gathering business and emergency situations; and concerns about inaccessibility and elitism.
In an attempt to remedy this situation, a call was made for an all-encompassing Cooperation's camp to be established somewhere near the center of our gathering, open to all, with the hope that this space will focus our needs & volunteers in a more effective manner. A commitment was made for a large canopy to help with the beginning of this camp, as well as several people committing to help focalize early needs in creating this vision. Those interested in helping with the early planning stages are encouraged to contact the Rainbow '97 office to be connected with others now working on it
A reminder that when dealing with any governmental or law enforcement type person, at least two family members should be present. Three is better......treat LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) with the same respect you would treat any human being, but remember that no matter how nice they might appear to be, they are still cops and must do their job.....They do not set the policies themselves, they just follow the directives of their higher-ups.....A desire that we all hold in our hearts the intention of healing when we deal with LEOs and other governmental type persons.
Though "trading circle" is a welcomed thing to many in our family, it has lately created many unnecessary hardships on us. Those interested in trading should help to create a space with trees for shade and visible to all, yet off the main trail. The strong desire to see trading get OFF the main trail can not be over-emphasized. A suggestion was made that Traders' Row be encouraged to become Traders' Circle or even to start a camp of their own.
A request was made that all councils make room for the children to be heard, and that time be set aside at the beginning of all Heartsong and Visioning portions of councils so this can happen. We did this for the duration of Thanksgiving Council and everyone seemed to like it.
A Healing Arts Village or Healer's Meadow dedicated to workshops and related holistic healing activities, with its own bulletin board to post scheduled events.....Hopes and prayers for a quality gathering, that it be healthy, environmentally friendly, and that it bridge relations between "kids, middles, and elders," that we treat all with respect and teach newcomers about Rainbow.....A suggestion that Shanti Sena could focalize peaceful conflict resolution training (sometimes called non-violence training) through the kitchens at the gathering because these are natural affinity groups.....Rekindle the PEACE Village idea/vision where all doors can be open to everyone, especially newcomers, to prepare for the future (they are coming!).....Be careful of the sensitive areas and aware of the effects our gathering will have on wildlife and forests.....A hope that no person or persons would sign a permit this year as someone did last year in a misguided attempt to "save" the gathering and reminder that we are a non-representative non-organization made up of individuals - No one can speak for the family as a whole, or be designated to sign a permit for the whole.....More sister energy in Shanti Sena.....Get in tune with sanitation, organic food purchased locally, safe cleaning products, recycled toilet paper.....A strong sister's space.....A tipi circle.....More theater, an entertainment camp.....More time for heartsongs.....Have more fun!.
The Rainbow Family Thanksgiving Council does not speak for the Rainbow Family or for the Rainbow Family Tribal Council. No one individual, or group of individuals, can speak for the family as a whole. The Rainbow Family Tribal Council, our collective family voice, meets on the land July 1-7, and can speak only for itself.