Because all health care is provided for free, it is necessary that we receive donations of supplies to continue to serve the Family. This following list should serve as a guideline for supplies needed to set up any CALM unit, whether at a medium sized Regional or at the annual Gathering:
A batteries, AA batteries, AA batteries |
ace wraps of various sizes for sprains |
acupuncture supplies--needles and moxa |
alcohol wipes and cotton balls |
antiseptics: alcohol |
hydrogen peroxide |
blankets |
bleach |
buckets |
calamine lotion |
condoms |
crutches |
dixie cups |
eye wash equipment |
flashlights |
green soap |
homeopathics--especially arnica |
hand washing soap and materials |
hot water bottles |
ice packs |
kleenex |
ipecac |
lanterns |
lime (powdered) |
magnifying glass |
massage tables |
mats |
minerals--especially calcium and zinc |
OTC meds that folks might find helpful |
oxygen, face masks and cannulas |
papers towels |
powdered sulfur (used to treat scabies) |
q-tips |
ropes, various sizes |
scissors |
sheets and bedding materials |
stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs |
stretchers |
sun screen, sun screen, sun screen |
tampons and sanitary supplies |
tents |
thermometers |
toilet paper |
tongue depressors |
trash bags |
tweezers |
vaseline |
topicals: antibiotic creams arnica aloe vera gel burn ointments, |
calendula charcoal clay |
skin lotions sun screen tiger balm
construction tools: tarps, ropes, hammers, shovels, shelving materials |
Band-Aids and various types of bandages: 2x2s and 4x4s Kling gauze of various sizes |
gauze tape |
2 1/2 gallon water containers and hoses for wash stations for hands and dishes |
aspirin, tylenol, ibuprofen, benedryl (both pill and liquid forms) |
bee sting kit--and ways to deal with anaphylactic shock |
bug repellent--citronella is very effective--also citronella candles |
diapers (why parents are so dumb as to not bring their own is pretty frightening) |
epsom salt, comfrey leaves and foot soak bowls--lots of foot injuries from walking barefoot |
Kwell, Kwell, Kwell. Rid works well for lice. However for scabies lindane is necessary. (The problem is that lindane is neurotoxic and needs to be used sparingly.) |
rescue remedy, rescue remedy, rescue remedy and other Bach Flower Essences |
vitamins of all kinds--Vitamin C and B complex are very important; E, A, D, multivits and prenatals are also good |
rubber gloves--never touch an open wound without them |
Tinctures are best because they are easy to use. When using raw herbs, it is best to put them into gelatin capsules. Teas can be made as well. However often it is difficult at regionals to set up a good tea kitchen. Also, when working with teas, dosages can be harder to determine.
Some herbs to bring include:
alfalfa |
arnica (topical and homeopathic) |
calendula |
cayenne |
chamomile |
comfrey |
dandelion |
dong quai (angelica) |
echinacea |
eyebright |
feverfew |
garlic |
ginger |
ginseng |
goldenseal |
grapefruit seed |
lavender |
licorice |
lobelia |
marshmallow |
mint |
mullen |
nettle |
Oregon grape root |
osha root |
raspberry leaf |
red clover |
rose hip |
sage |
skullcap |
spirulina |
valerian |
wild yam |
yuan piway |
If you bring herbs, make sure that they are properly wrapped, bundled, and labeled. We have had to throw away lots of herbs in the past because we didnt know what they were.
If your knowledge of herbs is limited please check with an herbalist or with a good book of herbalogy before gathering your own. Different herbs are best harvested at different times of the year. Also the medicinal qualities vary with each part of the herbs. It may be the flower, the leaf, the stem or the root which is the most active part.
And of course, green energy is always appreciated!!!!!