Re: diggin' out

Rob Savoye (
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 19:20:21 -0700 (MST)

From: Karl-Heinz Jackson
Subject: Re: diggin' out

> And I dropped the entire Windows software family in the trash years
> ago; got tired of having to reboot after getting vague error

I did that too, but when a big new customer dropped an NT machine on
my desk, who am I to refuse ? :-) I've discovered it's good to listen
to on realaudio, but worthless for much else. Luckily
I put all the GNU tools for NT on it, and now it feels more like my Linux

> Been running Linux as my sole OS for some time now: it's solid as a
> rock, it's *fast*, and it's FREE. And it also smacks strongly of
> Anarchy :)

Just as a note, my old 133Mhz Linux box beats my nice dual 200Mhz NT
box in most benchmarking I've done. My Linux box is my main development
machine. As a long-time GNUer, I prefer GPL'd software anyway...

> Er... are we off-topic here? <gg>

Totally. So here's some Rainbow content. Linux was created over the
Net by a leaderless bunch of computer hackers of all ages and abilities.
It's one of the better things that has come from a anarchistic community.
It's shows folks what we can all do, when we do it together. Even to this
day, there is nobody in charge (not even Linus). It's a great example
of what anarchists can achieve when they cooperate.

In many ways Rainbow is the same. It takes cooperation between indiviguals
to have a good kitchen, or haul in supplies everyday. So much gets done, but
we could do so much more! Much like how Linux was created and grew via the
Net, we can use AGR to keep making every gathering better than the one before.

- rob -

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