Re: I thought this was about gatherings

BJ (
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 12:28:20 -0800 (PST)

At 07:02 PM 10/27/97 PST, Butterfly Bill wrote:
>BJ said,
>>>It's just a shame all that energy folks spend on writing posts to AGR
>is focused on things that have little to do with improving our
>Gatherings or our Family. But like I said before, it's easier for folks
>to talk about things that don't require personal change in them than it
>is to discuss something that might mean they have to "do" something to
>make change or voice an unpopular opinion on something so close to
>and he also said,
>>>Morphun can be served with just about anything silly...... BJ
>Would you be so kind as to resolve this apparent contradiction, BJ,

Well Bill, I’m not sure "what" contradiction you are referring too. Could
you be more explicit?
I hate to have to guess to what you mean but instead of waiting for a
clearer question I will attempt to try and answer (please excuse if I miss
your point)….

OK ….. contradiction? I’m not sure I see one. First off they were from two
different posts about two different subjects (in my mind).

OR…. How dare you mix Morphunology with such a serious question.

OR HOW ABOUT THIS…. I did not actually write the first part, that was "bla
bla" who lives inside me and occasionally (?) takes over my body and does
what he dam well feels like regardless of what "I" think or how it will
effect me. (kinda like what snarla does to carla).


1) What’s your problem with contradiction? It lives in my thoughts and
words all the time.
I constantly think I think one thing one moment and then turn around
and think something totally contradictory the next. I’m not sure I really
consider them contradictions as much as "proof" that I really don’t know
what I’m talking about and have a lot of soul searching to do before I
really find out what the hell I truly believe in.
How about you? do your thoughts, words and actions exist without much
contradictions to them? (if so, please e-mail me privately and help me to
attain your level of enlightenment, seriously)

2) Sorry but I’ll have to put you on my "resolving list" but you should
know there are already many things on that list and it might take me
awhile to get back to you on it.

3) now do you really think I would touch that question even with a ten foot

4) Hey I got it, YOU fill in the answers then let ME know.

5) I didn’t say any of those things! If you were around several months ago
when some of us were listing different computer/rainbow virus’s, you
would know a virus wrote that and made you think I said that stuff.

6) Ah ya got me….. I’m just a big piece of Swiss cheese and your the mouse.

>and tell us a little something about your love life?

Uh? Well just what is it you want to know? (oh I notice you said "tell
us"…. is this a sex newsgroup?)
OK OK here is a real answer ….. I’m married to a beautiful sister named
Sparrow Daydancer. We have been together for 24+ years and have a beautiful
71/2 year old son named Jason. Though that might not be what you mean by
"love life", it is "my" love life.

>(All the other members or the Morphun society have.)

Whoa now! I don’t know why you think I would have opinions of the love
life of fellow morphins. I suggest you ask THEM about that.
As for the "Morphun society" (?) ….. I don’t know what you’ve been told, but
Morphunology IS NOT about sex, per se. Unless of course your talking to
Roger/Bull, MJ or the Wizard. They of course think EVERYTHING is about sex
(well they wish it was anyway) Most of the rest of us Morphins have a
different view of morphunology.

>And before you flame imprudently,

Well just what does FLAME mean? I really don’t think I flame that much.
Please understand that I do have a sarcastic side and my humor can be quite
sick at times :)
I also enjoy a sharp tongue at times and have been known to talk out of both
holes at the same time. But flames? I really don’t consider my words Flaming
that often.
I also think there is nothing wrong with talking negatively or sharply at times.
Is everybody so PC that it’s only proper to talk "kindly" to others and
other more aggressive, negative, sarcastic words are now deemed unuseful and

That’s another one of my pet peeves that I think is a crock-of-shit.
HELL! We can’t even talk about negative things about our gatherings without
somebody saying we should look at the good side of things or it’s all just a
flawed attitude in looking at things…. Geesh!

But really Bill, I’ve never intentionally flamed you. I really don’t know
you nor you I, but I’ll say this… The one thing I hate about this medium for
communicating is that you can’t see the person your talking to. We can’t see
each others expressions when we’re saying things or the tone of the words
and all kinds of things that give meaning to what’s being said/meant.
So just know my words are my style and no personal harm is meant.
Someday we’ll just have to sit down together and truly meet each other
(maybe in Arizona?)

> I must remind you that I have been
>named a High Priest and Founding Father by BULL himself!

Well Bull anoints folks all the time, but I’m not sure what if any
privileges that gives you.
Now one confusing thing about your statement is that you say BULL named you
a High Priest and "Founding Father". Did you mean he named YOU a founding
Or that HE was a founding father?
If it’s the latter, he indeed is one of the founding fathers (though at
times we’ve threatened to hold trial on him and take his button away :)

If you mean he named YOU a founding Father, then that just don’t make no cents.
How can you be a founding father when you weren’t there at conception?

But hey, it’s ok, we freely anoint people with all kinds of titles and
welcome to the clan.
Has he sent you your button yet?

>Awaiting your refry,
>- Butterfly Bill

Oh your so cruel.

But really, I’m not that crazy about beans, but I hope this "reply" helps
clear/confuse things for you.
(sorry for the looooong reply but I wouldn’t want to get anybody concerned
about my health by writing a SHORT post)

Back at ya …. John

P.S. As to my comments of wanting to see more "productive" discussions
regarding Rainbow/gatherings on AGR. Please understand that whether it’s
the annual gathering or a local regional, I tend to plug into various
aspects of the gatherings that relate to the "logistics" of a gathering
(this year it was the creation & implamation of cooperation’s at the
national). This often creates an attitude in me that wants "others" to also
focus more of their "rainbow energy" on helping to improve our gatherings.
Getting so involved in gatherings can often lead to that dreaded word
"burnout" as so many others can attest too.
Not that I really consider myself burnt out (yet), but I do take on an
"attitude" at times because as a family we do indeed have many problems at
our gatherings that seldom get the attention they should.
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking many aspects of our gatherings need
better focus (parking, food, the sharing/passing of information etc, our
frontgate, our vision councils, our work/coop councils, our family tribal
councils, sanitation, healthy water,dinner circles, lost & found, magic hat,
I’ll stop here but the list goes on).
Unlike many others (but not all) I tend to voice this frustration more often
than most.
I think there are two main reasons why I do this.
1) I love my family and our gatherings very much and what I do I do from my
heart wanting only the best for the whole.
2) As others, I too get confused as to what we’re all about.
Are enough people not really helping out?
Are we here for more than just the party? And if so, then what is it?
Will the "magic" actually take care of it all if we just surrender to
it? or is it our own
actions (or lack of it) that create what are gatherings are?

Whatever my faults (and contradictions :), I believe I've put the well
being of the gatherings overall before my personal self/desires. And I hope
my "actions" over the years are proof enough of that.

I don’t apologize for "most" things I say or think, though I do wish I
could say what I say at times in a "mellower" way. But I am not a "new age"
guy (excuse the label). I do not know how to talk/think in a flowery way. My
mind works in a logical way and my words tend to reflect it.
Now I know this is considered a not so good trait to many in our family, but
then again we’re supposed to except people from ALL walks of life/thinking
aren’t we?

To sum it up…… I feel there is many things we need to do as a family in
regards to our gatherings or it will indeed become mostly a "party" to most,
as some folks believe is becoming more and more the norm these days.

But if enough folks don’t share this view, then I also feel it’s either
silly for me to pursue such wishes (till burnout sets in) - or - that I
myself don’t quite see things very clearly and need to take a different path.

In all truth, I have in recent times decided to back off from plugging into
helping create regionals or plugging into the "logistics" at our nationals.
I would like to just bliss out and hang for a change. I would like to put my
energy into a more narrow focused project at the gatherings. So you probably
won’t here my "attitude" much in coming times about all the needs of our
gatherings. I’m sure this will be good for me, my family and my pocketbook
(not to mention the joy it might bring to others :)

Well I hope I came close to answering your question whatever it was :) …. BJ

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