Re: I thought this was about gatherings

Jah CrustifariMD (
Sun, 26 Oct 1997 00:59:34 -0600

You're using our laud and savors' (yay and yum) name in vain! 50 lashes
with a wet noodle yuz bums! If you can't write something funny then
write something stupid. I do.
Humor is NOT an appropriate topic for serious discussion!

Nice to see Sailor is worshipping in his own degen fashion (ah that blue
bath robe).

MORPHUN is not an appropriate topic for a serious and intellectual
endeavor like this newsgroup, MORPHUN can be dangerous for the mundane
and uninitiated. These are trained professional clowns, don't try this
at home!

Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll now there's appropriate material for

Rainbow Shmainbow let's take our vitamins and dance naked 'til the Sun
comes up!


Crusty Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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