Re: east texas fall regional <R>

Warner S. Bloomberg (
Mon, 20 Oct 1997 03:29:23 -0700

Dragonfly (hey there! Darlin Sister!) parley vouzed thus with ShadySadie: (ShadySadie) wrote:
>my bro-in-law, dan (some may know him as handydan)
>has been driving around east texas for two days
>now his bus has givin out and he's at a James' Travel
>Resort (rv park) in zavala
Dragonfly wrote: [& sequelia]
Howdy ShadySadie:)

Sorry to here about HandyDan being broke down:(

>he has the phone # to call that hasn't been answered
>in two days

hmmmmmmmm Wonder whose number and where he got it from?

However, there is *NO* doubt in my mind that someone
will try to help him or contact him, IF they are IN
the area he is.

Being on the road has it's
moments and many of us have been in similar circumstances.

>when dan first started talking about the rainbows, i felt
>a bit afraid for him

Afraid of what?

There are no leaders, no organization
just "we the people" from all different walks of life,
background, races and religions!!

>now i'm just mad

Hope you're feeling better soon because irrational anger
can only hurt you.
And I, Miranda, Raven ad all this bullshit: Well, as per usual, Bob Dylan comes
to mind. He's got a great line to express this self same situation. From
"Visions of Johanna": "We're all sitting here stranded, and doing our best to
deny it." I mean, "how does it feel, to be on your own, with no direction
home." I mean, "The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense. Take what
you have gathered from coincidence." Or: "We drove that car as far as we
could, abandoned it out west." Or: "How far ya'll going?" "Till the wheels
fall off and the seat covers fade." Or: "Senor, senor, do you know where we're
headin'? Lincoln County Road or Armageddon? Seem like I been down this road
before. Could there be any truth in that, senor?" Or: "Yes I think that can be
easily done just take it on down to highway sixty one." And check out
absolutely ALLLLLLLL of "Hard Rain" as per: "I seen a highway of diamonds with
nobody on it." SHIT! I say SHIT! Gettin broke down is the kind! The shit!
The bomb! It makes a person outta ya! Fuckin jews, of which I am one half of
one, got broke down for an intermittancy shuffled into forty desert wandering
years, dear. I mean what kind of lilly livered, stay at home, cowardly, shut
in, throw back, paranoid, genetic denying American born of immigrant, pilgrim,
settler, explorer, indian genocidal-land-stealin, westering anglo european
background would set there with their toilet and telephone and tarred roof and
bankcard and monthly fica deductions and fret and fuss over some kin gittin up
and out and hittin the goddamn rainbow fuckin highway? You'd think I wasn't a
poet/songwriter sometimes, the way I go around quotin at ere Bobby Dylan. So
here's me on self same subject: "I'm a free hippy, I'm never gonna settle
down; you know the more I'm at home, the more the road keeps comin round."
And, "I can't go down that road anymore, I can't go down that road I already
know, I must go down a brandnew freedom road." Ya see, ma'am, I am the road.
I am the path. And I must be ever new. And breakdowns and deaths and
accidents and illnesses and mistakes and getting lost are part of that birthing
process. Chances are real stiff that you ain't really where you set out for.
I'd bet you or your folks or their four mothers just sort a had a break down or
ran out of go where ever it is you be. Homo sapiens all like to go. Then they
breakdown. That's why you don't find some big old subdivision or metropolis
around Lucy's grave. (No; not Lucille Ball. Lucy the famous homo habilis.)
People from microbes on just like to get up and GO! Just remember: The Rainbow
Family of Living Light is more like the intergalactic association of
mensa-but-dweeby teddy bears with specious hygienics and maybe a police record
and new age good intentions than it is like AAA or some magical underground
american embassy or even the secret organization of evil mind sucking
cartographers that seduced yer kin's school bus off into the evil blue yonder.
We did not suck the good sense and the sense of direction out of nobody. If we
had, we'd have it, we'd be possessing good sense and good senses of direction
and we don't! I mean we're all just bozos on this bus. And also remember, god
is everywhere all the time. Ya don't fall off the edge without that fall and
that edge are god thingies too. (Watch out fer that first step: it's a dilly!)
So get over it and pass the jello with them piquaint marshmallows in it and
tell me what happened at the Grange meetin'. Miranda, Raven, She Who Put
Kahlua in Her Cocoa Tonight PS: One more Dylan line: If today was not an
endless highway...And here's a Johhny Lennon: Why don't we do it in the road!

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