Re: A NASA-insider's announcement of Cassini launch

Andy Robert Steinberg (
Sun, 19 Oct 1997 01:24:46 -0400

PropOne, you have raised some good points and legitimate concerns, mainly that
progress must be weighed against real and potential risks, and that a lot of
our knowledge today has come from immoral and illegal means (like the Tuskegee
Study, where thousands of trained medical personnel abandoned their Hippocratic
Oaths to "do no harm" when infecting hundreds of black men with syphilis to
"study" the course of the disease, only one doctor spoke out against Tuskegee
and he was severely punished by the AMA for it), but why was it necessary to
post this article four times?


Proposition One wrote:
> Varactacap,
> Tell you what, buddy. If you figure out how to get it up to space
> without potential for accident, and the gamble has been removed, I'd
> agree with you that
> >If there's one good justifiable use for nuclear energy, it's to
> explore deep
> > space.
> But you ( say,
> >Based on what I've found out so far, there's about a one in a million
> chance of
> > 1500 people suffering as a result of the Cassini mission. I'm
> willing to fly
> > in an airliner, which has about the same chance of crashing into a
> populated
> > area.
> There are a couple of points I want to make here. First, are you aware
> that the government lies to you? Check out our website
> and go to "Current Events" then "Cassini" to see what
> some of the alternative viewpoints are by very reputable scientists.
> Or I'll forward some of their messages to you, if need be.
> Second, if you were impressed by the NASA scientists bringing their
> children to the launch site to prove how safe Cassini was, I had a
> good friend, who died last year from cancer of the face, whose father
> used to work at Hanford Nuclear plant in Washington, who used her as a
> guinea pig for his radiation experiments. SOME parents are crazy.
> In closure, you have the right to gamble with your own life, but for
> God's and kids' sakes, leave the rest of us alone. An airliner crash
> is bad enough. An explosion of plutonium 238 could be a disaster of
> unthinkable horror, which is why most people are utilizing that little
> "shut it out" door in their minds and leaving it all up to the
> government.
> Which gets us back to #1. Are you aware that "the government" lies?
> You've probably read recently about the scientists who did
> radiological experiments on mentally ill, on veterans? (Using the
> military as guinea pigs is a long-time practice: Vietnam's Agent
> Orange, Bikini's Atomic veterans, the Persian Gulf innoculations
> against rumored Iraqi weapons which may have something to do with Gulf
> War Syndrome.) Scientists were right in there with their pokes and
> prods and instruments after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, after Bikini (the
> native islanders were seriously exposed and had jellyfish babies, hair
> fallout, etc). No doubt they've been poking around Three Mile Island,
> too. To some scientists, disaster is an opportunity to learn something
> new. I understand the sentiment. It's just that I dislike intensely
> the cold-blooded way in which they explore new things without real
> understanding of what the consequences could be, or deciding that
> "1,500 deaths" would be acceptable, whereas "1,000 deaths" would be
> unacceptable. Are they willing to be among the "1,500"? Who are they
> to play gods?
> You can see I feel strongly on this subject, but I feel this way
> because I study, read, listen, ask questions, dig deep. I'm in the
> process of trying to bring all the facts I can lay my hands on up onto
> the web so everyone can begin to see a clearer picture. I hope the
> folks who live in the Midwest who have just learned this year that
> they were irradiated in the '60's by fallout from nuclear tests
> blowing east, the ones who have had unexplained thyroid cancer, or
> chronic ailments, in a previously healthy family, will find the
> information useful. I hope you will find it intriguing enough to be
> skeptical about "what I've found out so far" when your source of
> information is the mainstream press (which did a better job with
> Cassini than it usually does in reporting facts, but which kept
> inserting the opinion "it's okay" in key psychological places).
> Fortunately we have the internet to keep us informed.
> Please, go to and click "Current Events," then
> "Cassini," to get more on this space launch. Go to "Nuclear" then
> "Accidents and Safety" then "Let the Facts Speak" for a list of 1,054
> known nuclear accidents since 1945. If you can disprove any of this
> stuff, please try. We'll share your information, too.
> Sincerely,
> Ellen Thomas
> Proposition One Committee
> Peace Park Antinuclear Vigil
> PO Box 27217, Washington DC 20038 USA
> 202-462-0757 -- --
> (Check -- Current Events!)

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