RE: handy's looking for you rainbows!!!

Randall,Holly-SEA (
Fri, 17 Oct 97 16:36:00 PDT

>you know when dan started talking about being with the rainbow
> family, i felt a little "pshaw"
>now i'm feeling a big "pshaw"
>dan's been driving in east texas for 2 days, around broaddus, look-
> ing for family members
>he's called me several times, so this am i sent an e-mail, got an
> answer from some person to call a number that hasn't been
> answered for two days and speak to someone named
> tacowayne and billbo
>can't believe you "wrote" off someone who was willing to give you a
>dan's bus broke down in zavala and he's working to pay his rent
> at a James' Travel Resort (rv park) on highway 147
>somebody who cares might give dan a visit, though i seriously
> doubt any reaction from the rainbows

Please don't lump us all together. For whatever reasons we seek out the
family, each one of us
is different from another. I am nowhere near Broaddus or even Texas but if
I were there
I wouldn't be writing off Handy Dan. I remember he recently started posting
on this group
and I thought he sounded like a mighty fine guy.

Also, please remember that some of us live disorganized lives - not
necessarily uncaring lives.
The fact that the phone has not been answered would indicate to me that the
folks are not around and most likely the person who passed on the number
didn't know that. Please! give us a chance, too.

And please tell Handy Dan that Spring sends her love and good wishes. Sorry
I'm not closer

Love and light -

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